New Fic : Genius by spacedmonkey (soft R)

Mar 23, 2008 16:31

Title: Genius
Summary: John, in this state, is a thing of wonder.
Rating: Soft R
Warnings: Talk of sex
Word Count: 557
Disclaimer: Not mine, which is just too bad.
Spoilers : Nope.

Feedback always appreciated.

Unsurprisingly, even sex doesn’t make Rodney shut up, but post sex, when the tremors and white-outs subside and he’s lying next to the zombie that is John, words start to fail him. Sex, well, no, mind shattering orgasms caused by sex, leave John Sheppard a monosyllabic, semi-comatosed, boneless heap in the bed. It’s quite impressive and Rodney indulges himself in an air of smugness.

John, in this state, is a thing of wonder. You can’t move him, you can’t get more than a rather non-commital grunt of communication out of him and, after a few seconds, you can’t wake him short of detonating a nuclear device next to his head. If the bad guys ever truly wanted to take John Sheppard all they’d have to do was offer him an amazing blow job and he’d be a walk over. Rodney is pretty sure that Mongol Hordes could start rampaging through the Gate and John wouldn’t notice.

It’s one of the few times that John really sleeps. The heightened sense of awareness that John has during the day carries over into his sleep and he can normally be awake and aware by hearing a fly’s footfall. John always has his guard up and keeps up a façade of casual, easy going grace that belies what Rodney has discovered to be a mess of a human being who has needed to be rebuilt piece by piece before they could get to the place where they now are.

Rodney doesn’t know everything about John’s past, hell, he probably doesn’t even know enough to fill a standard page, but he knows John and he’s pretty sure that’s all that matters. He may not know what broke him in the first place, or why he needs to keep his guard up, but he knows how to put the pieces together again and, more importantly, how to take down the wall of defence that John has thrown up around him.

John has a need to be in control, but in bed he hands that all over to Rodney. He lets Rodney map every part of him with a touch that makes him think of how people read Braille. It wasn’t always this way and Rodney claims it as a small victory each time he’s able to card his fingers through the sentient hair on John’s head or follow that trail of hair down to his groin.

It’s still largely on John’s terms, and Rodney knows that. They’re in John’s room and Rodney translates this as a way of silently offering Rodney an out if he wants it; even though he doesn’t and can’t foresee a time that he ever will. They hardly ever get to this state in Rodney’s quarters or anywhere else if he’s being honest. If John has to drop his guard, he needs to be somewhere safe.

But that’s all fine with Rodney because it means that he gets a warm, pliable flyboy pressed up against him. Of course, he’d prefer it if sex didn’t reduce John’s IQ to somewhere around 30, but it is a small price to pay to see John so totally at peace. And when John’s brain starts to come back online, he’ll turn and wrap his arm around Rodney’s belly and snuffle into his shoulder leaving Rodney quite convinced that he truly is a genius.

author: spacedmonkey

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