Your Chances Vary As The CurvesAuthor:
winkingstarRating: PG13
Pairing: John/Rodney
Summary: What happened when a messy-haired pilot crossed paths with a cynical flight attendant.
Wordcount: ~7,700
Spoilers: AU, so no spoilers.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to big/important people and companies, which, sadly, do not include me. I am just playing with them.
Warnings: Issues of sexual harassment. Nothing graphic, it’s mostly just angsting about the after-effects, but if that might distress you, you’ve been warned.
Notes: The One Where They All Work In An Airport. Full notes with the story at my fic journal. They're kind of long-winded, but you probably want to read them 'cause I explain some of the airport lingo I used. :)
"The new pilot is coming today," Teyla announced as she reached into the cupboard to pull out a mug decorated with a picture of Einstein sticking his tongue out. )