I just got home from vacation. My hubby took me on a cruise to celebrate my 50th birthday! The first thing I did was watch Atlantis, only to find that my DVR cut off the first part of the episode. My copy starts right after the credits. If anyone could give me a short synopsis of the first 5 minutes, I would really appreciate it.
Meanwhile, I have some thoughts about the episode. I thought it was very McSheppy.
The whole time Rodney was working on trying to find John, Teyla and fixing the ship, he seemed very depressed. Even when Sam hugged him, he didn't react. The old McKay would have been all excited. But the McKay who had lost the man/friend that he loved was grieving.
He wouldn't give up trying to get John back, even if it took over 25 years. I don't think that was just because he didn't want Jennifer, Teyla, Carter, Ronon, etc. to die. He wanted John back.
I have no doubt that he loved Jennifer, but at the beginning, I think she was a case of someone to share his memories with. The kisses he shared with her didn't seem that passionate, almost bittersweet and depressed, maybe a little guilty.
When John warned him by changing the past, that Rodney might not end up with the girl, he didn't seem that worried. Part of it might have been that he didn't want Jennifer to die, but if he was so in love with her, he would have been like, "I'll get her to fall in love with me again." It almost seemed like he just wanted it to go back the way it was before John got sent into the future. I think Rodney is a bit fatalistic when it comes to his relationships with women. Maybe because deep down, he knows that it's John that he really wants.