Title: The Myth of Makepeace
Author: Cypher
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
The Return to NormalcyMain Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay
Summary: "John completely forgets about the rumors, just doesn’t notice the way even his own team seems to avoid that one corner of his back yard."
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay, Teal'c/Cam (if you squint),
Rating: R
Notes: People wanted to know if the rumors of O'Neill killing Colonel Makepeace and burying him in the back yard were true. Well, I decided to write three sequel snippets to flex up for the new Big Bang challenge, and this was one of the results! In terms of timeline, probably after
That Time Lorne Manages to Steal John's TV and
What About Ronon and Telya?".
The Myth of Makepeace )