Fic : Cold Feet by buddhawitch and spacedmonkey PG13

Feb 22, 2008 17:37

Title: Cold Feet
Author: buddhawitch and spacedmonkey
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG13
Genre: Slash / Humour
Word Count :993
Summary : buddhawitch and spacedmonkey wrote this via MSN IM. BW wrote for Rodney and SM wrote for John on the premise that John Sheppard is a heat seeking Lieutenant Colonel.

Feedback loved and appreciated and handed small cookies.

"Jesus!" Rodney exclaimed when he was rudely woken by something cold brushing his calf. Waking fast, he pushed the offending object away from his legs and scooted over on the bed. "I really wish you wouldn't do that!"

"Cold!" came the mumbled reply from somewhere near his right shoulder.

"Well I wasn't!" Rodney almost shouted as he tried to inch further away from the cold front coming from the right side of the bed.

"Kind of the point!" John mumbled some more before finally lifting his head and resting a cold chin on Rodney's bare shoulder. "You're going to fall off the bed if you go any further!"

"Dear God! Have you no circulation?" Rodney 'accidentally' nudged John in the ribs. "What have you been doing?"

"Patrol. It's winter for those of us that leave the labs! Four hour patrol with the rookies and now I am a Popsicle and looking for some sharing of body heat."

"I don’t have any! You took it all! What little heat I had you stole! It's not my fault you have to patrol. It's not my idea for you to train the rookies and I certainly don’t decide the rotas that make you have to do it outside in the winter time. So why should I have to share all my nice warmth with you?"


John spooned right up behind Rodney, snuggling in with a sigh. "Huraumph! That's your default answer when you cant think of anything else to say."

"Because you love me...?" John said quietly before nibbling on Rondeys neck.

"Oh I do, do I?" Rodney enquired as he shifted his weight to turn and face John.

"Sure you do."

"Oh yeah?" He lightly shoved at John's shoulder

John raised his hand and traced around Rodney's ear then down his arm with a touch as soft as cobwebs. "You saying you don't?"

"Well...." Rodney mirrored John's caress, "I love the way you smile at me when you think no-one is looking..."

"You love that I'm a Mathematical genius." John smirked, already ducking out of the way for that one.

"True, true. But I love the way you are perfect in your imperfections." Rodney half smiled, knowing John would mull that over for a minute. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift for a moment.

"What imperfections, exactly?" he asked, taking the opportunity to burrow his feet a little further under his hot water bottle of a scientist.

Rodney sighed and opened his eyes to be greeted by John's gleeful expression. "You want a list?" And before John could respond he turned onto his back and ticked them off on his fingers and continued: "Cold feet, cold hands, cold body, um, wiggly eyebrows, lopsided grin, muppet laugh and stupid life of it's own, charged by electrons hair."

"You're just jealous of the hair."


"And not all of me is cold!" John ventured, realising that his previous statement would leave him bedless in a matter of minutes.

"Forgot to mention suicidal tendencies and lunatic outlook on life," Rodney was getting into his stride now and pushed himself up into a sitting position, leaning back against the headboard, exposing his torso



"I know you're enjoying your list making and everything, but there was definitely a very casual and perhaps too subtle offer of sex in there."

Rodney's eyes widened. "Oh." And then: "There was?"

"Although, since I'm apparently suicidal and all I can understand if you don't want to." John pouted, although he made no move to untuck his feet from under Rodney's calves.

"No, no, I want to, I.." Rodney felt the heat rise in his face and his groin at the same time. He lowered his eyes to where John's head was lowering to his chest. He ran his hand through John's hair. "Your hair’s not that stupid..." He mumbled.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, McKay." Although John's wandering hand suggested otherwise.

"I'll stop then."

"Do you want to get laid or not?"

"Is that a trick question or are you really as dumb as you pretend to be?"Rodney tried to stop his mouth getting away from him but at times there was no controlling it. And it was usually worse around John. Why didn't he just shut up and have some really good sex already?

Thankfully, John had his McKay filter up and running and pulled him down into one of the dirtiest kisses he could manage, given the hypothermia and insults to his hair.

"You may think you have won, Flyboy..." Rodney whispered when they broke for the kiss, both gasping for air.


"Hmmm?" Rodney was nuzzling John's neck.

"Nevermind, Geek."

"Your Geek though"

"I should hope so."

Rodney lent in to John who was now toasty warm and getting hotter and pushed him so that he was lying on his back. He trailed a line of kisses across and then down his chest, muffled words trying to drift up to John's ears.

John carded his hands through Rodney's hair, trying not to push him down a little quicker. As the muffled words continued to vibrate against John's skin, curiosity got the better of him and he hauled McKay back up to look at him.

"What did you say?"

A hundred emotions crossed Rodney's face. He looked at John. Really looked at John and saw all his imperfections, all the small amazing things that made up one Colonel John Sheppard. He traced a finger over John's heart. "You have a very generous heart." Rodney stole a quick glance up at John and seeing no mockery there continued. "You care for so many. You will always fight for what you think is right no matter the consequences. You inspire loyalty and trust in almost anyone on the base. And if it means you come home to me every night then you can have cold feet whenever you want." Rodney looked away, suddenly embarrassed.

"I love you too."

author: buddhawitch, rating: pg13, genre: humour, author: spacedmonkey

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