This originally started out as comment fic in
amireal's LJ but grew into what is pretty much a first time PWP. It's not only based on the events in episode 4x04, Doppleganger, it has a good chunk of the last ten minutes incorporated into it! The headers are under the cut and it's only on my site through direct link (below). Once the episode airs, I'll 're-post' it and make sure it's on my page.
Perchance to Dream
by MrsHamill
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For episode 4x04, Doppleganger
Summary: Why weren't there any hot chicks in Sheppard's dreams?
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat
Notes: My friend
mecurtin wanted bed!fic; this comes close! Thanks, as usual, to
ailurophile6 for her quick beta.
Here it is...