Title: The Lazarus Curse (And Other Reasons Why the Good Can Never Die Young) PART III
Author: Gaia
Rating: R
Pairings: McShep, Lupin/Tonks, Ron/Hermione, maybe some Harry/Draco preslash, if you squint
Genre: xover with Harry Potter, drama, humor, AU
Spoilers: The Game, Common Ground, the Siege
Summary: The conclusion of the fic also known as 'the one in which John is James Potter.' In this part: James back in Hogwarts, Rodney in Diagon Alley, Draco in a heroic role, Wraith in the marshland, Harry in mortal peril and John in Rodney.
Part I Part IIa Part IIb Part IIIa Part IIIb Part IIIc