The Pack (16/?)

May 08, 2007 01:31

Title: The Pack (16/?)
Author: Nightchaser_sla
Rating: NC17 (this chapter PG-13 - sorry)
Pairings: Pretty much everyone (its to difficult to write it all out)
Summary: "Well the Queen can only be a female who has an attachment ... bond if you will ... with the first Mate," said Ordane, as every eye in the room turned to Rodney.
Authors Note: Just a tiny (746 words) chapter because I had writers block for my
auficathon challenge.

Previous chapters
nightchaser_sla as always.

Chapter Sixteen.

The Wraith were coming. They were only a few days out now, and they had already wasted enough time on Linde trying to get any helpful information out of the locals which had proved useless. Rodney was frustrated, okay not the usual way he was frustrated since he had spent the previous night being pleasured by just about everyone he knew, but he just wanted to know how they were supposed to fight the Wraith. The Linde had managed to survive the last four cullings with limited loses while their culture had continued to increase and expand, they had only come across this a few times in the Pegasus Galaxy.

Fully dressed and picking at a collection of sweet pastries he kept his eyes focused on the table top, refusing to look at the people who had watched his surrender the night before. It was humiliating and embarrassing to think that he had been watched while in the throes of ecstasy. Beside him Ronon was constantly placing the choice pieces of fruit on his plate, and Teyla's soft fingers would gently stroke his arm when she thought he was spooked normally he would find it creepy but now it was just Pack.

"Alright." He heard John say to Ordane. "Now how do we beat the Wraith?"

There was a soft chuckle from the Linde Alpha and snickers from those seated around the table, somehow these people finding Wraith a joke was not comforting.

"Now you will not have to," answered Ordane.

"What the hell does that mean?" demanded Sam, apparently her patience had finally given out.

"That means dear Huntress that Atlantis shall forever be protected by the power of the Mates and the Queen."

Both John and Jack groaned at that.

"This Queen," said Jack, leaning back in his chair so that he could look Ordane in the eye. "How do we know who she is."

Rodney couldn't help smiling to himself as the General spoke slowly as if addressing a child or an idiot.

"Well there is the female that rules over you," said Ordane, obviously confused. "Is she not your Queen?"

"What?" demanded Rodney, finally looking up. "You mean Elizabeth? She's the one that tried to throw us out of Atlantis."

John's hazel eyes bored into him, before the Colonel finally nodded.

"I wouldn't call Elizabeth our Queen," he said slowly.

"Well the Queen can only be a female who has an attachment ... bond if you will ... with the first Mate," said Ordane, as every eye in the room turned to Rodney.

"I'm not really a people person," whispered McKay. "I don't have an attachment to any woman."

Teyla's hand tightened on his arm automatically, and he looked up in surprise to see her eyes wide and a soft smile on her beautiful face.

"Are we not close?" she asked.

"I - I suppose," he answered.

"And what about me?" asked Janet, grinning broadly at him. "After everything we've been through?"


Ordane let out a loud laugh at that, slapping his hands on the table.

"They cannot be Queen." He wiped tears of mirth from his eyes. "They are Pack."

"So," said Daniel, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. "Someone who isn't already Pack but who has a bond with Rodney?"

"I can only think of Dr. Weir," said Teyla, and many around the table nodded.

"Then she is your saviour from the Wraith," said Ordane.


"He thinks I'm what?" Elizabeth sat back in her chair as she surveyed the Pack members seated around the conference table. They had only returned from the planet of Linde, the place where all of this began, about twenty minutes ago and had proceeded to drop this bomb shell on her.

"That you're the Queen of the Packs," answered Daniel. "Its quite fascinating actually, it turns out that all the Packs are split into groups and a Queen is in charge of each group, her strength depends on her bond to the original Mate of that region. Incredible."

"And he thinks its me because ...?"

"Because you're the only female who has a bond with Rodney that isn't already a Pack member," said Sam.

"What about his sister?" demanded Elizabeth. "What about the women he knew on Earth?"

"It doesn't work that way," said Daniel.

"Of course it doesn't," muttered Elizabeth. "Alright, so what do I do?"

"We wait," said John, shrugging his shoulders. "We wait until the Wraith turn up."

warning: non-con, series, rating: nc-17, author: nightchaser_sla

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