Yet another AU :)

Feb 16, 2007 02:14

Alright so I've been cleaning out my hard drive and digging out all my old WIP's, which all seem to be AU's oddly enough.

Some of them (Murder across the stars and this one) should come quite quickly coz they're nearly finished ... others I'm not so sure about :(

Decided to post this while attempting to write the huge orgy scene for The Pack (any ideas or request on pairings, threesomes ... moresomes etc would be helpful).

Title: Stormchasers (1/?)
Author: Nightchaser_sla
Rating: NC17
Pairings: the Nightchaser_sla usual :)
Summary:. He was buying that stupid blonde bitch a cell the first opportunity he had, she was more difficult to get a hold of in the field than Diane fucking Fossey.
Authors notes: So I was watching  Twister and thought to myself  'Jo is so much like Sam!!!'.  This  evolved.

Dr. Rodney McKay had first met his research partner Dr. Samantha Carter fifteen years ago when they were both at college majoring in theoretical physics and meteorology. She was four years his senior and married to her high school sweetheart a John Sheppard, helicopter pilot with Search and Rescue. In all honesty he had known very little about the stunning blonde during their college years, and so when she became pregnant during their postgraduate year and disappeared off the radar he hadn’t given her a second thought. It wasn’t until ten years later when he received a letter offering him a job at a severe storm laboratory, did he even think about Sam Carter again. She was packing up a small team of Stormchasers, including her soon to be ex-husband, and moving the entire lab to Miami. That had been four years ago, and now Rodney was viewed as the foremost expert on tornadoes and hurricanes.

Which was how he found himself in Boston at a conference where he was being forced to speak in front of a hundred total mindless idiots, while the rest of the team were being deployed to Kansas. Slamming the handset of the payphone down, he glared around the foyer of the Holiday Inn, before turning his piercing blue stare back on the phone. He was buying that stupid blonde bitch a cell the first opportunity he had, she was more difficult to get a hold of in the field than Diane fucking Fossey. With a groan he balanced his briefcase between his hip and the wall, fumbling with the clips as he did so … he knew he had the phone number of N.S.S.L (National Severe Storm Laboratory) in there somewhere, they should know where Sam was.


It was a quiet noise from behind causing him to drop the briefcase, papers scattering across the cream carpet of the foyer. Dropping to his hands and knees he crawled after them, scowling at the petite red head who was scrambling after the documents and throwing him apologetic looks.

“Sorry,” she said when all the papers had been collected, shoving her armful in the briefcase. “I’m Dr. Janet Fraiser.”

She held out her hand, and he stared at it for a moment before slamming the case lid shut.

“What is it that you want?” he demanded.

“Oh … You are Dr. McKay aren’t you?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest in a defensive manner.


“Oh good.” She looked relieved. “I’m a psychiatrist, specialising in interpersonal relationships in high stress environments.”

Wonderful, he thought, a fucking shrink.
“And …” He waved his hand in the universal sign for ‘get on with it’.

“I have it on good authority that you’re one of the leading members of a ‘storm chasing’ team,” she said. “I would like to study your team in the field.”

“You do realize its tornado season right now?” he asked.

“Yes of course.” Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement. “That’s why I sought you out here.”

He looked at her and gave a groan, Sam was going to kill him, before handing her one of his business cards.

“Call the number on this, they’ll let you know where we are.”

And with that he gathered up his briefcase under his arm and stalked away, preparing to book a flight to Wichita.


Sam was waiting for him at Wichita airport with Sheppard, the team navigator, a Dr. McKay sign made of purple construction paper and felt pen held between them. They were both so good looking it was embarrassing; what with Sam’s mop of blonde hair and John’s perfectly placed black cowlicks, with their trim and terrific bodies. Rodney felt like their chubby kid brother.

“Oh so at least you bothered to come and get me,” he huffed, throwing his bag at the grinning Carter and making her drop the sign.

“Hey buddy.” Sheppard threw an arm over his shoulders, and Rodney felt himself automatically leaning into the embrace despite his foul mood. “How was Boston?”

“Crap,” he answered.

“The usual then?” said Sam, her blue eyes shining.

He rolled his eyes at her, and then gave a soft moan as John’s arm snuck around his waist and gave him a squeeze. This ‘thing’ between them had been going on for years, though lingering touches and hesitant kisses was as far as they ever got. Even though he was in love with John, Rodney didn’t want to have a relationship with his best friends ex-husband. Not that Sam would care, well not sine she had found the appeal in a nice set of tits anyway.

“So what’s going on out there?” he asked, as they walked into the blinding sunlight.

“At least five storm cells have developed over the state,” said Sam, gripping his arm so tight he yelped. “N.S.S.L. is saying that if they collide …”

She broke off and clapped her hands.

“We could be in for one hell of a season.” Sheppard finished for her.

They had had some close calls  over the past few seasons, but these conditions were once in a lifetime.

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