The Pack (13/?)

Feb 13, 2007 04:47

Title: The Pack (13/?)
Author: Nightchaser_sla   
Rating: NC17
Pairings: McShep. Jack/Daniel. Sam/Janet. Various het and slash.
Authors Notes: Was feeling depressed (at 4:11 am) about an incident I’d caused on another community, and decided to write another chapter.
“The Queen of the Packs,” said Ordane, sounding confused. “The ruler of all Alpha’s.”

“Don’t think we have one of those,” said Jack

Chapter Thirteen.

Linde was as beautiful as John remembered. Wide open fields of waving green crops, surrounding  a huge medieval looking fortress. It seemed unnaturally calm and surreal to say that it was the place that had started this whole mess.

A small delegation of Linderians had ridden out to meet them as soon as the Stargate had been activated, and John found his hands automatically reaching for his P90 when he noticed Odane among  them. The man didn’t seem to notice the movement, and in fact grinned broadly at them as he dismounted his horse.

“Friend of yours?” Jack whispered into his ear.

“Not really, sir.” answered John.

Odane, followed by a tiny bonde man in blue robes,  strode across to warmly shake John’s hand.

“We did not expect you to return so soon,” he said, glancing around at those standing behind the Colonel. “And with another Pack in tow. This is most exciting.”

“We’re not actually here for a social visit Odane,” said John, slowly removing his sunglasses and giving the man his most intimidating stare.

It had absolutely no effect on the other Alpha.

“The Wraith are attacking our home world,” said Teyla, stepping forward and bowing in respect to him.  “We are in need of your help.”

“Why would you need our help?” asked Ordane, glancing back at the man behind him. “Your Queen should know how to protect your people.”

“Queen?” asked Jack. “What Queen?”

“He mentioned a Queen last time we were here,” whispered John. “But I wasn’t really paying attention … I was distracted.”

Rodney immediately flushed at those words and John saw Sam throw his Mate an amused smirk.

“The Queen of the Packs,” said Ordane, sounding confused. “The ruler of all Alpha’s.”

“Don’t think we have one of those,” said Jack.

The look on Ordane’s face would have been comical under any other circumstances.

“But you must do,” said Ordane. “Whether there are Packs there is a Queen.”

“You know this sounds strangely like Wraith social structure,” said Sam, and everyone turned to stare at her. “With the Queen being in control of a Hive … its just very similar.”

“Maybe that’s where the Wraith got the idea for their Hives,” spoke up Daniel, clutching at Jack’s sleeve in excitement. “What about if Packs have been around for longer than the Wraith, that would mean that it is Ancient in origin.”

“It might be an evolutionary throw back,” said Rodney, face glowing. “Something to do with whatever the Ancients originally evolved from.”

Ordane was staring at them all as if they were insane.

“Why don’t you join my Pack for the evening meal?” he asked suddenly. “You must all be tired and confused. We can discuss any questions you have to ask then.”


Ordane’s Mate was all but sitting on his lap, feeding him slices of roast meat and giggling whenever his Alpha touched him intimately. All around them the hundred or so members of the Pack were watching the newcomers with curiosity and wistful sighs when Jack would stroke Daniel’s cheek or kiss him softly.  Sam was sitting with Teyla, the two Huntresses deep in discussion and occasionally shooting John looks. Rodney was seated between himself and Ronon, looking tense and miserable despite the enormous feast in their honour.

“Alpha Sheppard,” said Ordane suddenly, drawing John from his thoughts. “Could I have a word with you in private.”

John nodded, and they both got to their feet. Ordane led him out of the Pack Hall and into a narrow corridor leading off into the kitchens.

“Is there a problem?” asked John.

“I have noticed the tension between yourself and Dr. McKay,” answered Ordane. “Am I correct in assuming that you have not yet indulged in the pleasure of truly taking him as your Mate?”

“Haven’t really had time.”

Ordane gave him a small smile.

“Alpha Sheppard, if there is one thing you must learn it is this …” He leaned closer to John. “… there is always time to indulge in your Mate. He is the most important thing in the universe, do not forget that.”

His arms still ached with the memory of holding Rodney close to him last night.

“I can honestly say that I won’t.” he answered.

“That is good,” said Ordane. “There is much that we can learn form each other, and even if you have not yet discovered your Queen there is important information I can give you about fighting the Wraith. However I can not teach this to an Alpha who is without Mate, and even though I am aware that Alpha O’Neill has infact consummated his relationship … I would much rather negotiate with yourself.”

“So what do you want me to do?”

Ordane studied him for a moment.

“I would be honoured if yourself and your Pack would join with us for a Mating Ceremony this evening.”

“What the hell is a Mating Ceremony?’ demanded John, he had a bad feeling about this.

“While the Alpha and Mate find comfort and love within each other, the Pack bonds together in a pleasing and intimate way.”

John just stared at the man, there was no way he had heard what he thought he had heard.

“You mean an orgy?’ he demanded. “How many orgy’s do I have to go through?”

warning: non-con, series, rating: nc-17, author: nightchaser_sla

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