Three fics for stargatefic100

Jan 16, 2007 07:20

So I have taken on the challenge of stargatefic100, and here are my first three:

Title: The Challenge
Characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Prompt: #001 Beginnings
Word Count: 304
Rating: PG
Summary: The real reason John decided to go to Atlantis.


Title: Seek and Ye Shall Find
Characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Prompt: #002 Middles
Word Count: 163
Rating: G
Summary: John. Rodney. A closet. Soooo not what you're expecting.


Title: Deriere
Characters: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Prompt: #003 Ends
Word Count: 707
Rating: PG13
Summary: Rodney's ass haunts John's dreams.

Also, the table for this challenge can be found HERE. I'll update it with links as I go.

rating: pg13, rating: g, rating: pg, author: icantfollow

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