Title: Do Not Try These Techniques At Home Without First Consulting A Professional.
ninurta and
satavaisaType: (slash, het, or gen) Gen with a hint of Slash...
Pairing and/or Characters: Crowley, Gabriel, Winchesters and Bobby.
Word Count: 16k
Rating: PG
Warnings: Really very cracky with a dash of violence.
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine, I mean it no harm.
Summary: Gabriel thinks Crowley shouldn't take himself so seriously and plays a trick to help him loosen up. Unfortunately it backfires and turns them both into Chihuahuas. That wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't ended up in Sioux Falls where there seems to be a lot of Dogs and their owners turning up dead... Throw in Bobby, the Boys and Cesar Milan and it all gets quite interesting.
Art Masterpost:
ninurta and
Part One :
Part Two Thank you to the Crowley BB mods for being so patient with me! Massive thanks to
zanyrainey for a last minute beta! To my WONDERFUL artists
ninurta and
satavaisa a MASSIVE thank you for your beautiful work! :)
Finally I wouldn't have got this done without the enormous support and help I got from my Mum who must have read this at least 100 times! As well as my best mate Jake who helped proof read. Cheers guys I needed all the help I could get!