Italian westerns and so on

Jan 11, 2017 23:14

Am writing an article (in Italian, for an academic journal) about three Italian western films of the late 1960s, and discussing the extent to which they lend themselves to queer readings. The joy of indulging TWO passions, Westerns and slash, in my own language helps me go through the usual agony of sorting out what I think / working out how to express it / writing, deleting, restarting, feeling it's all worthless waffle, being terrified by the deadline, etc etc etc.

While catching up on queer readings of assorted films, I came across a 1955 film noir called The Big Combo, which features a couple of Nasty Thugs who are, good heavens, A Couple. They are both quite masculine, they sleep bare-chested in the same room (twin beds, but that's the way heterosexual married couples slept in 1950s films), they receive guests in their dressing-gowns, they touch each other quite tenderly, and die more or less together. In 1955! Amazing. Look it up on YouTube.

How I wish people wrote more fan fiction about Western films. There are quite a lot of stories based on the 2016 Magnificent Seven, a fantastic Rio Bravo story on AO3, and very little else. (I know, I know. If want it, I should write it myself. That's NOT what I meant).


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