Jul 29, 2012 19:05
. . . namely, German-language fandoms with between 0 and 4 English-speaking members. My latest one, Der letzte Bulle (The Last Cop) just might make it to the multilingual Australian tv channel, because it's been wildly successful in Germany (crosses all fingers tightly). It's about a young cop who gets bonked on the head, spends 20 years or so in a coma, then wakes up to discover that (1) he is now middle-aged (2) the world has moved on (3) his wife has gone walkabout (4) his baby daughter is a woman (5) he has a new, younger, by-the-book partner. Banal. But fun. Fantastic 80s soundtrack. Slash vibes all over the place. And there's a (tiny) lj comm, which I instantly joined.
Don't know how long this crush will last. But it's definitely helping me survive 3 weeks with my mother, as well as being Useful Language Training (yeah, right).
Will try to import a photo, if I can remember how it's done.