(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 18:48

"Swimming is lonely. The swimmers mightiest challenge is to tune out. It's the only sport where you can never know exactly how well you're doing until it's to late to do anything about it. There is no sound of footsteps or trash talk or heavy breathing in the next lane, just the muffled roar from fans who may be cheering for winners or screaming for losers. There is no other reality but the water, and any distraction from this dreamlike state - the recollection of an earlier conversation or the vision of a girl - can ruin a race. The mind can wonder very easily, that's the difference between giving 98 % or 100 % or the difference between a world record and last place.

"It's strange how during practice i hate everyone in my lane. The one's ahead of me going faster, the ones behind me touching my feet, and especially the ones way behind me not trying; but when practice is over, they're family again."

You can't describe swimming!!! Swimming is a feeling, it is a way of life!! Swimming is when you get up at 4:50 am for the first morning work out after one month of break!! And your body is hurting all over!! Swimming is when you know that tonight there'll be a work out of 4 or 5 miles but you still go there!! Swimming is when you got over the endurence work outs and over the resistence work outs and you got to the tapering work outs!!! Swimming is when you are at home during tapering and just doing nothing but looking tv and waiting for your important race and competition!! Swimming is when you are behing that motherfuckin' block for your race for your competition which you prepared so hard!! Swimming is when you jump into the water and it is the greatest feeling ever felt in your whole life!!! Swimming is when you finished your race(is it a sprint or a long distance race) and you turn to the time indicator and you see that you improved your personal best!! So guys and girls!!! That all is swimming and nothing less and nothing more!!!

" People don’t swim because its fun. Ask any swimmer, most of them hate it, but they couldn’t imagine their life with out it. Its part of them, its something they live for. They live for the 5 am practices, pasta parties, cheers, long bus rides, invitationals, countless swim caps, chlorine, and coaches you hate but appreciate later. They live for the way it feels when you beat the person next to you by a tenth of a second and you know those 2 extra laps you did in practice were worth it. You live for the way you jump every time you hear a buzzer, or the way you scream whenever you hear the gun on the 500 even though you hear it every time. You live for the way you celebrate when you get to do a set with fins. You live for the way you become a family with your team, and no one understands what happens within that pool or locker room but you. You live for the countless songs you sing in your head when you’re swimming those laps. You live for the people who scream at you while your swimming even though all you hear is BLAH BLAH BLAH. You live for the competition, you live for the friends, you live for the practice, you live for the pain, it’s a part of you. You’re a swimmer."

"swimming is something that u could say at one of the group help session things, as opposed to alcoholism or something..."hi, my name's michelle, and i am a swimmer." its like a drug, because once u start it, ur hooked. i work my butt off year round. my swim friends are some of the best friends ive ever had, since i see them nearly every day and they kno what i look like when i look my worst, because swimmers always look like crap (flakes from chlorine, racing suit tan lins, goggle marks, bloodshot eyes, green hair, its all good). i love swimming more than anything in the world!!

The top ten ways u know your a swimmer

1. you love the smell of chlorine; even when the rest of your family despises it.
2. when your teacher asks what 1650 divided by 25 is and u have the answer already.
3. when your friends ask what that smell is, and u answer "chlorin'e of de' pouel"
4. When u get excited about the words 25 and taper.
5. When you instinctively jump at the sound of a beep.
6. when you call your coach mom even if your coach is a guy.
7. When u have permanent goggle rings around your eyes.
8. When u would rather wear your swim suit to school.
9. When you have 3 different swim suit tans.

10. When u r laughing out loud at these reasons cuz u know that they r true! WHY R U STILL READING? GET YOUR BUTT TO THE POOL AND SWIM
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