I'm posting this before 3.4 has been completed and fully expect 3.6 and onwards to waltz all over this one because it'll probably take a while, as it having its own name implies.
Complete the following 100-prompt icon table that I cobbled together from a bunch of prompts around the interwebs made up out of my own head lollll I'm lazy shut up :c Live-action fandom of your choice.
Choose 7 characters or pairings from the same fandom, one per set. You can do a character individually and then in a pairing, but not the same character individually twice (for instance, you could do Booth, Brennan, and Booth/Brennan, but not Booth for two different sets). A character can appear in another character's set, but only if the theme refers to/the focus is on the primary character (for instance, if you're doing a set for Brennan, Booth can show up as long as the icon is mainly about Brennan). Make an icon for each prompt word. No animations, text optional. All icons must be made originally for this challenge.
SET 1: Youth, Hope, Daydream, Leaving, Change, Despair, Wonder, Free, Power, Vast
SET 2: Blind, Dark, Enemies, Sideways, Sacrifice, Weakness, Weapon, Betrayal, Loneliness, Wrath
SET 3: War, Left Behind, Peter Pan, Fairy Tale, How We Met, Infinite, Serenity, Shakespearean, This Is It, The End
SET 4: The Unknown, Invisible, Circle, Eternal, Song, Stars, Faith, Falling, Wish, Truth
Set 5: Fight, Blur, Love, Negative Space, Door, Stronger, Sunshine, Real Hero, All That Remains, Glory
SET 6: Eyes, Hair, It's A Game, Someday, Smoke, Destroy, Technology, Stop Helping Me, Monster, Sorrow
SET 7: All Is Wrong, All Is Right, Calm, Fly Away, Time, Forgotten, Secrets, Apart, Faded, Lost
Then, from the same fandom, use any characters or pairings to answer the following prompts. These should cover a variety of characters and pairings rather than focusing on any one in particular. No animations, text optional for color and cropping icons. All icons must be made originally for this challenge.
5 Quote Icons
5 Color Icons. Each icon should focus on a different color (red/orange, yellow, green, blue/indigo, purple/violet)
5 Song Lyric Icons. Each icon should have lyrics, all from the same song.
5 Cropped Icons. Each icon should focus on cropping.
5 One Word Icons. Each icon should have exactly one word of text.
5 Artist's Choice