"Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes!"

May 10, 2008 22:20

A Buffy survey/meme thing I found and decided to fill out:


Male Character (BtVS): Giles
Female Character (BtVS): Anya
Male Character (AtS): Angel
Female Character (AtS): Fred or Cordy, depending on the episode

Scooby Gang Member: Anya
Angel Investigations Member: tie: Angel, Fred, and Cordy (again depending on the episode)
Trio Member: Andrew

Demon: Anyanka
Vampire: Angel

Angelus or Angel: Angel
Queen C, AtS!Cordelia, or Jasmine: um, I love Cordy from the Xander hook-up until Groo in AtS S3 and then I love her again in AtS S5
Illyria or Fred: Fred
chip!Spike, ensouled!Spike, crazy!Spike, or badass!Spike: badass!Spike
Dark Willow, witch!Willow, or geek!Willow: geek!Willow
geek!Wesley or manly!Wesley: manly!Wesley

Big Bad (BtVS): The Mayor
Big Bad (AtS): Jasmine
Evil Minion (BtVS): Glory's crustyface buttmonkey
Evil Minion (AtS): Eve (as much as she's really a minion...)


1st season: Prophecy Girl
2nd Season: Belonging
3rd Season: tie: Doppelgängland and The Wish
4th Season: tie: Hush, Who Are You and Restless
5th Season: The Gift
6th Season: Once More With Feeling
7th Season: Selfless
Overall: The Gift
Season: 5

1st season: Five By Five
2nd Season: Are You Now or Have You Ever Been
3rd Season: Waiting in the Wings
4th Season: tie: Orpheus and The Magic Bullet
5th Season: tie: You're Welcome and Smile Time
Overall: four-way tie: Orpheus, The Magic Bullet, You're Welcome, and Smile Time
Season: tie: 3 and 4


Canon Ship (BtVS): tie: Willow/Tara and Anya/Xander
Non-Canon Ship (BtVS): Anya/Hallie
Canon Ship (AtS): Wesley/Fred
Non-Canon Ship (AtS): Angel/Fred and Angel/Faith, but I prefer both of those platonic

Spuffy, Bangel, or Buffy/Riley: none of the above
Angel/Lindsey or Angel/Spike: Angel/Spike
Wes/Fred or Wes/Lilah: Wes/Fred
Spike/Harmony, Spike/Fred, Spike/Anya, or Spike/Drusilla: Spike/Drusilla


Why do you love these shows? It's... um. Really good? And made of awesome?
Who or what turned you on to the Buffyverse? ladyuranus
Do you own any BtVS/AtS stuff? DVDs, and a book on linguistics ('cause I'm a ling nerd)

And an any-fandom meme that I applied to BtVS/AtS:

The first character I first fell in love with: Yipes. Cordelia and Angel tie on AtS for sure. On BtVS... I think it was either Willow or Giles. I don't even remember.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: ANYA. 'Nuff said.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Oz. I just don't get the appeal. He's really boring except for three seconds in Earshot. On AtS... Spike, I guess. I mean I like him a lot, but I don't adore him the way everybody else seems to.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Does "everyone" hate Eve? I don't even know, but I'm gonna go with Eve. And on BtVS I guess I'd have to go with... um... How hated is The Mayor?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Xander. I got over him when I realized Giles was hotter. And Doyle. I still love him when I rewatch AtS S1, but time has dulled my love for him somewhat. Unfortunately.
The character I would shag anytime: Angel HOSHIT GYPSY CURSE Wesley on AtS, Wood on BtVS.
The character I’d want to be like: Cordelia from Season 5 of AtS. She's too fabulous for her own good. And I guess Giles, only without the slight social awkwardness.
The character I’d slap: Dawn. She needs it. So does Lindsey, but I still love him.
A pairing that I love: Anya/Hallie. Which is off-the-charts weird, but I wrote an A/H drabble because the Random Pairings Generator dictated that it would be so, and ever since then I've thought they were great together. On AtS, Angel/Cordy and Wes/Fred are equally made of awesome.
A pairing that I despise: Spuffy and Bangel. They both bore me to tears. I also dislike Cordy/Groo and Fred/Knox. For the reasons that if those pairings hadn't happened, I firmly believe the horrific debacle that was Connor wouldn't have happened, and neither would Illyria (although I like Illyria, I just like Wes/Fred more).

angel, buffy the vampire slayer, meme!

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