HB madness!

May 21, 2008 08:41

This is more of a Pic and Fancam (though I think the fancams are gonna come in a second post) spam as I'm sure everyone is bored with fan accounts. If you really want to know my experience just go over to roselit  's journal and read her's. I was with her the entire time anyway... But I would like to go over the highlights...I'll bold anything really important so you don't have to read it throughly^^

1) Suprised Heechul on the 16th floor - I was the first one out of the elevator and we both stared at each other for a while before I realized that it was him. XD I was like "Heechul!?" and he gave the O.O face (so classic^^). We were starting to get loud cause OMG it was Heechul! so he put his finger to his mouth and shushed us, which was SOOOOOOO cute. XDDD He walked to his room while the rest of us said good night to him~ awwwww *spazzle*

2) Saw Yehsung on the 21st floor - Poor guy he got off the elevator to a bunch of fangirls in the lobby only to go the wrong way to his room. He had to turn around and walk back through us...he was smiling (prob at his own mistake) when he walked through us a second time.

3) Saw Yunho getting interview - I had three fancams from this so check these out. Pretty much Yunho is SOOO handsome in person and looks just absolutely amazing! He was wearing that horrible green and orange and white shirt, that made him look like speed racer. Though when I saw him in it in person...he just looked so good! When he left I asked him for his autograph and his said no , but he said no TO ME!~ *spazz--ded*......*resuscitates* OMG he's so tall and handsome and omg I'm gonna stop now...

4) Saw Yunho, Changmin, and Yoochun leaving for Universal Studios! - check out roselit 's journal for more in dept account. I also have a fancam of this --- notice how Changmin laughed at Yunho's slowness. XDDDD Homin ftw!

5) Saw Sungmin, Shindong, and Eunhyuk multiple times - check out the pics and fancams!

6) Saw most of the girls from SNSD and Chae Yeon (she's so badass looking!)

7) When Junsu and Eeteuk came out the place went nuts...no not nuts, ape shit. We got really close to snap good pictures. My fancam didn't come out because I had left it on picture and not camera mode *curse me and my idiotic-ness*. Though it was really funny as we were as screaming and trying to get them to notice us Diane (roselit) got in between Junsu and Eeteuk (she was concentrating on getting pics of Junsu (which are great...check them out))...What a sandwich... On the way up the escalator I saw that Eeteuk had a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I pointed to the box and said "doughnuts?" and he said "yea" or some kind of affirmative muttering...but the point taken from here is that Eeteuk talked to me!!! *spazz rofl* Junsu is so skinny...:x

8) Saw Brian Joo and talked to him (only about getting him to sign something and him refusing :x) - have fancam

9) Saw DBSK (minus Jae) come back from their respective outings - Got a really close fancam of Changmin's back and neck and oooooohhhh is he sexy ^_______^

10) At Hollywood - Our seats were GREAT and I LOVE my camera --- that was a pointless sidenote. During one of the MC, Brian who was standing right in front of our section called out "where are you from?" and my group of friends and I screamed "NORTH CAROLINA" and ..... HE HEARD US. He turned to the other MC and was like "North Carolina?" Ahhh we absolutely died ^___^
Where we were seated and other HB fun^^

Junsu signing the national anthem^^


Moon Hee Jun -- His perf was so awesome^^


Fly to the Sky and SG Wannabe

11) Check out many fancams of HB prob gonna be in the second post :x

12) After HB, a few of us played a little elevator game in which I got an autograph from Son Ho Young and from YOOCHUN!!! Four of us had hoped on an elevator with Sungmin (he's so cute when he's nervous) and on our way back down the doors open and there's Yoochun with Jaejoong!!! My other friends went to Jae and I went to Chun. Read roselit 's account for indept Jaejoongie-ness (he looked so perfectly amazing). I went to Yoochun and asked him if he would sign my program or more like held out my program with a pen (I was shaking so bad) and was like "sign?" then "please?" and he was like "Sure". It seemed like a kinda defeated sure, maybe he was tired idk, but I think the only reason he signed mine is cause he looked up to see Jae signing stuff...SO he asked me my name (hold on must stop....HE ASKED ME MY NAME *cnkvsahdoiskjd*) and then he spelled it for me (wrongly XD) and then signed my program :DDDD He then boarded the elevator, but Jae was still signing stuff or talking to the girls in Japanese. Jae must have gotten distracted because Chun was already on the elevator when it started closing and he had to stick his foot out to catch the door (I helped too!). We then figured since we helped hold the door for Jae that we would get on the elevator with them!!! So we rode with them for a couple floors, which was like nothing cause the elevators at the Sheraton were way too quick :( I tried to get Jae to sign my program too, but DAMN THOSE ELEVATORS!!!

13) Later we hoped on a elevator with Eeteuk and Yehsung, but they were with their managers (who are crazy protective!) So pretty much all I did was stare and wave like mad XD...Funny thing was on the floor that Eeteuk got off at Jaejoong was trying to get on XDDD. The doors opened and Jae saw us and was like O.O, too bad his manager was there too and didn't allow him to get on with us :x

14) By the time everyone had caught on to out little game of elevator tag we were stuck on the 14th floor which happened to be the one where (for sure) Yoochun and his manager were staying. We saw them getting alot of ice from the ice machine, then later Yoochun stuck his head out of their door to see if the manager was coming back and he was barefoot :D Weird thing is that they never shut their door, it was cracked open the entire time XD.

Please wait for the fancams, they should prob be up either tonight at some ungodly hour or tomorrow depending on how well YT likes me +_+

Please no HOTLINKING and if you do plan to share my pictures or fancams please ask me first ^^;;

fan account, hollywood bowl, pictures

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