I are alive, I are!

Aug 25, 2006 23:08

Got off my butt to post just to prove that I am indeed alive. Any other reason? No, not really. I can't believe it's been so long since the last one, but, hey, I haven't really had much going on, so why spam people's LJs with random drivel?

Anyway, since graduating in May 2005, I've yet to come across a good job, and I'm getting seriously tired and financially taxed with the one I currently have. I like the people I work with, but the pay is very "meh" and it's not at all what I want to be doing.

Other than that, not much has happened. No, I'm serious - nothing's happened. For instance, I still have no significant other, but that could be because I rarely go out to places and meet people, so it's nobody's fault but my own. Rather depressing, really, but I don't have the greatest social skills, and seeing as I don't drink and am not interested in one-night-stands, the typical social scene doesn't really cut it for me, and since I have no desire to join a religious social group, I appear to be fucked-over (ha ha) in the romance department. Yay for pity parties! :P Too bad the number of people attending is usually one. Bummer.

Anyway, I'm going to try to post more regularly and, possibly, with more art posts.

Oh, speaking of art, the only thing I've actually done that's different since the last time I posted was to become actively involved in the Inuyasha fandom and less involved with the HP one. But what does that mean when it concerns the Inuyasha fandom, you ask? Fan art, of course! And smilies (initially done for Zamaamiyagare! where you can find me posting under the moniker Azelle) that anyone can use if they want! Woot!

Stuff done:

Things Not Said


Hop On

Desperate Situations

A Walk in the Park

Pounce (a bit mature)


Cartoony Sesshoumaru

Gift Art for ArtemisMoon

Love of Hats


Row 1: happy, very happy, sad, okay, unsure, blank, youkai, dumb
Row 2: wink, frazzled (>_<), crying, mad, special, pouty, puzzled, dead
Row 3: yawn, sleeping, rolleyes, lol, smug, suggestive, surprised, kiss,
Row 4: shocked, nervous, embarrassed, grin, smilegrin, sick, tongue, unamused
Row 5: skeptical, talkative, crazy, hyper, cool, geeky, love, cold
Row 6: creative, envy/jealousy, lol!oops, tsk, wry, innocent, evil
Row 7: ROFLOL, lunatic, annoying, lick, spittake

Row 1:

Row 2:

Row 3:

Row 4:

Row 5:

Row 6:

Row 7:

Row 8:

Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, Kohaku, Kikyou, Kouga, Sesshoumaru, Rin, Jaken, Kagura, Kanna, Naraku, Tessaiga

Exclamation, Question, Arrow Right, Idea, Shikon no Tama





Download the smilies!

And... that's about it for now. I told you I hadn't done much... wasn't kidding, was I?

Well, crap. After reading over this rather pitiful entry, I'm upset. I'm going to go make banana bread now to make myself fat and happy.

fan art, inuyasha, smilies

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