Hi all, I have just discovered that you can follow me on YCN (that is, get an email when I publish something new) without having to become a member. On my profile page you can only become a "fan" or add me to "favourites" if you are a member.
If any of you want to get emails when I publish, please let me know. I can send you an invite. Unfortunately, you can't just click on a "follow" button on my profile (if I'm reading the instructions correctly.).
If you say yes (and I can certainly see why you wouldn't, since I'll probably squee all over LJ and FB every time I publish. LOL! But being a follower will make it easier for you to send the link to anyone else you want to see my work.), please tell me (comments have been screened, this is a public post!) which email address you want me to invite. I know some of you have more than one. Or I might not have yours. Or you might know someone who wants to be added.
There probably won't be as much "spam" as I've joked about because the recent tear (4 poems in 3 weeks, OMG!) isn't likely to continue. I hope to get maybe one or two pieces done per month.
Thanks, as always, for your unbelievable support.