in searching around craigslist for other sources of income (OMG, was I really considering getting a second job? Just goes to show you exactly how crazy stressed I am, even though I'm pretending not to be) I found
this source for tons of places to find freelance writing jobs. Including (if it's legit, haven't done all my research yet) one to write greeting cards and poetry sources. Woo Hoo. Now THIS is something I can do, and might finally get me motivated to try submitting writing for publication AND money.
Of course, it disturbs me a little that I haven't written anything new in about a month - but I can ALWAYS write greeting cards.
ETA: Well, I did one thing that was fairly easy. Have to see how it goes. I am now an official Yahoo! Contributor. I have submitted a poem and will work up the energy and courage to write some articles. Probably starting with stuff I know and have some passion about - invisible disabilities, racism, living kindly. I am not terribly pleased about one part of the Terms and Conditions, which states that though i retain copyrights, they ask me to grant them the rights to edit my submission. That doesn't really make sense to me, but we'll see how it goes. At any rate, there are a variety of ways to get paid for being a Contributor. Some may be eligible for up front payment, and all are eligible for performance payments (based on the number of visits). So stay tuned for updates from me and shameless requests for you all to visit my articles so I can get some money! LOL!
And yes, some of you may be asked to beta read articles. You know the first one I'm going to write will be about handicapped parking and misconceptions about people who have those tags! *evil grin*