Not a propitious start to the day

Aug 15, 2010 09:33

So Sunday is cooking day. YAY! Yesterday all I made was an egg sandwich for brunch and mandarin orange shrimp for dinner. Left the big cooking for today, so I could rest all of yesterday. Was feeling good about plans to make yummy and convenient food for the work week.
  • Bolied eggs to have over salad, because I need to eat more veggies. Will resist the temptation to make deviled eggs. :)
  • Chicken soup (even though it's summer, I thought that it would be filling, last a long time and, again, get more veggies into me)
  • Roasted, herbed pork chops with rice and barley.
  • Mashed butternut squash as a "snack" so I stop having a whole extra meal when I get the munchies around 3 PM and 8PM.
  • Tuna salad for sandwiches.
  • Mini pizza to make and eat today.
I also bought some frozen tilapia and salmon fillets, pre-cut (I always prefer fresh, but it's too expensive!) because I need to eat more fish too. Plan to have one a week until I run out. Am hoping that they don't taste vile, since I'm so used to fresh. Am willing to sacrifice a little flavour for the sake of convenience, but am wary.

So I figured I'd get the bolied eggs out of the way while I was catching up on LJ this morning. Used the new pot I finally bought last month.

Promptly forgot about them until the smoke alarm went off. Raced into the kitchen to discover that the water had all boiled away, the eggs were nearly stuck to the non-stick bottom of the pot and the pot possibly ruined. I don't know if I can salvage the eggs either and I really can't afford to waste a half dozen eggs...


Am soaking the pot now in soapy water (I never know whether to start soaking the pot while it's still hot or to wait...) and am hoping that it's not ruined. I LOVED this new pot, and, if you recall, I had to buy it because... wait for it... I ruined the old one by forgetting about something I was boiling!

Anyone who says that I am managing fine needs to come and look around my apartment.

My neuro leg is bothering me today and my ortho leg is swollen. (the weather turned humid overnight, so I expected some aches)  So standing and cooking all day may be an issue. But I HAVE to make food for the week so that I'm not stuck trying to do it after work. Fortunately, it's still early and I can space it out over the course of the whole day, in between lying down with reading and sports. I'll be damned if I'm going to try to clean today, though I desperately need to. Someone handcuff me when I'm not cooking, please, otherwise I will try to do some cleaning because my apartment is driving me MAD!

On a good note, I slept like the dead last night. First time in over a week. I slept so deeply I didn't move at all, and so one shoulder is a little cramped, because I slipped between my pillows! LOL! I got a whole 6.5 hours of sleep - half hour more and certainly more healing than before. I could use more, but I am feeling a little more hopeful that my body will get on an even keel again soon. I am tired of being exhausted. Tired I can handle, but I am SO OVER being completely shattered. Making good food will cheer me up. :) And get the smell of boiled pot out of the house! LOL!

banal rant

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