In support of those affected by Cancer

Jan 11, 2010 20:55

In memory of family and friends who have lost the battle with cancer; and in support of the ones who continue to conquer it! Post this on your LJ if you know someone who has or had cancer. 93% won't copy and paste this. Will you?

Keep the flame alive, keep fighting, keep finding joy and know that you are not alone. We carry the light with you and for you.

Mother -70's
Sister - 90's
Other Mother - 90's
(I started to list former teachers here, but there are too many - all so special)
Friend Terry - since mid 2000's
Friend Joan - mid 2000's
Friend Jerry - since early 2000's
co-workers, associates and patients (too many to name, but none are forgotten) - forever

sociology, hope, gratitude

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