Oct 14, 2009 21:28
My doctor actually gave me a curfew and bedtime for Mondays and Wednesdays (before my long days at work)!
Tonight's got a little off track, as I had a bad reaction to one of the supplements I had to buy (or some food, or something) and got sidetracked from cooking my dinner (half of which was ruined, and possibly a pot as well) and am running behind. I also have to make a birthday card for my boss. (Yes, I'm a mushball; no, I'm not a suck up.)
However, I decided to suck it up earlier today and spend the money to have someone else do my laundry, which saved me time and energy. Now it's time for bed, half hour past my bedtime! I am so amused by my doctor. She's right, of course, but it's always funny when this mild mannered, calm woman gets "stern" with me!