Sep 18, 2009 22:57

So, yourmanuscript loves me very, very much and gave me one Christopher Whitelaw Pine to focus that picspam meme thingamy on. I'd tell you it was a chore to trawl through images of him, but then I'd be lying through my teeth (fingers? keyboard?), because it really wasn't. I did find out, and this alleviated my guilt at cuckolding Star Wars, that Captain Fine was not a trekkie growing up. He was a Jedi fan. Trek never interested him. Couple that with the fact that he's one smart GQMF and I'm about ready to jump him. Please pretend there are borders around the images, because I put them there, but they seem to have disappeared. I bet there's a border strike on and nobody told me.

1. choose a picture of the funniest face on your person

Chris, darling, you need funnier faces.

2. choose a picture of your person eating

The Kobayashi Maru scene was one of my favourites.

3. choose a picture of your person with an animal

Lets just pretend the motorbike is a beast and leave it at that, shall we?

4. choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex

Chris does plays. Like Colin. Also both their names start with 'C'.

5. choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person


6. choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person


7. choose a picture of your person smiling


8. choose a picture of your person half-naked

Unlike RPattz, those do not appear to be painted on.

9. choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity

If he'd been playing with ZQ, I could have made some sort of crack about balls.

10. choose your favorite picture of this person

Captain Fine wants YOU.

Also, hi new friends! *waves*

!picspam, actor: chris pine, !meme

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