Sep 03, 2013 22:45
01. Twerking
02. Shill
03. Manifest [transportation]
04. Oriel window
05. Möbius strip
06. Asking for comps
07. Codpiece
08. Cod philosophy
09. Forty winks
10. Wiggy
11. Hatstand
12. Smeghead
13. Cavil
14. Dint
15. Languorous
16. Popcorn match
17. Patina
18. Lede
19. Parti pris
20. Perennate
21. Mission creep
22. Mogadon (card)
23. Eyrie
24. MRDA [slang]
25. A hawk from a handsaw
26. Strapontins
27. Meneer
28. Periwig
29. Viz(.)
30. Atavism
31. Purism
32. Tempus fugit
33. Flapdoodle
34. Horse feathers
35. Tommyrot
36. Flummery
37. Cur
38. Lord Blair of Isfahan
39. Tachograph
40. Salt and vinegar [sex slang]
41. Vinegar strokes
42. White lobster
43. Cluster headache
44. Paronomasia
45. Whippersnapper
46. Toadying
A pretty hefty list with the usual smattering of foreign imports, including a term named after its German discoverer (5), a phrase borrowed from French (19), a French word itself (26), the first entrant from Afrikaans (27), and one from Latin (32).
Poll The Vocab Guru Poll #15
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