Mar 01, 2012 22:15
01. Chak de phatte
02. Fangirling
03. A head of steam
04. Oh No They Didn't (ONTD)
05. La concha de tu hermana (lcdth)
06. Ink stained wretch
07. Stiffed
08. Bumbo
09. Grog
10. Acidulous
11. Otiose
12. Medivacked
13. Fanned
14. Jackboot
15. Missing white woman syndrome (MWWS)
16. Gordian Knot
17. Hauteur
18. Equerry
19. Ocker
20. Strine
21. Melt away
22. Brain in a vat
23. Ephemera
24. Moll
25. Disavowed
26. Bodice ripper
27. Opprobrium
28. Parens patriae
29. Malum prohibitum
30. Malum in se
31. Hebephilia
32. Ephebophilia
33. Manatomy
34. Owt
35. Epistolary
36. Shamal
37. Round robin letter
38. Greek chorus
39. Aphorism
40. Daisy cutter
I've split this post into two because a lot of words were accumulated last month (and it includes a few additions from January). In this edition there's a smattering of non-English entries, including Punjabi (1), Argentine Spanish (5), Latin (28)-(30) and Arabic (36). There are also a few English regionalisms such as (7) from America, (19) & (24) from Australia and (34) from North East England.
Poll The Vocab Guru Poll #9
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