So for the first time since last summer I headed back for what will probably turn out to be a one-off session at
The Hemingford Arms for their weekly
pub quiz on Thursday nights. The friend that I originally started going to these quizzes with over here, now works in Oxford and most of her friends who used to join us every week last year, have either returned to their home countries on the continent or gone on to pastures greener in the New World. Nevertheless my friend in Oxford was in town for the night and another common friend of ours from McGill was visiting from New York, so we decided to have a blast from the past and what a night it turned out to be. My friend in Oxford invited two further friends of hers who'd never been to a pub quiz before. They were both very good looking but the Northern Irish accented one attracted me more. And she studies law! Anyways I arrived first and completed half the quiz on my own before the rest of the crowd got there. My friend from Oxford thought we'd done so badly as to refuse to hand-in our answer sheet but the quizmaster would have nothing of it. Eventually we paid up the entry-fee and handed it over. Half-an-hour later we were stunned to learn that we'd not only finished second but we could've won had it not been for our laziness to finish answering a couple questions. We'd just assumed we'd done that badly as to not bother! Bish bash bosh! That was the team name. And the Thai Green Curry with Prawns was sumptuous. I love pub quizzes. I wish I still had friends who lived in London and liked pub quizzing.
Here's a selection of questions from last night's challenge:
a) A mesomorph is a person who is muscular. What do you call a tall/thin person and a round/fat person?
b) Henry Hudson, the famous English navigator has three waterways in North America named after him. What are they called?
c) Which (British) high street store is named after Ulysses' dog (of Greek mythology fame)?
d) Which musical instrument did Nina Simone and Thelonious Monk used to play?
e) Name the Year: democracy march in Hong Kong, women getting the vote in Kuwait and Mark Felt revealed to be Deep Throat.
f) What is the common name for prunus domestica?
g) In which animal do both eyes lie on one side of its head, or have one migrating through and around its head during development?
h) There were seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England including Mercia, Northumbria, Kent and East Anglia. Name the other three.
i) The ten tallest mountain peaks in England are located in which modern county?
j) What are the ingredients needed to make a non-alcoholic crêpe suzette?