Old English scirgerefa "representative of royal authority in a shire," from scir (see
shire) + gerefa "chief, official, reeve" (see
reeve). In
Anglo-Saxon England, the representative of royal authority in a shire. As an American county official, attested from 1662.
Old English scir "administrative office or district," from
Proto Germanic *skizo (cf.
Old High German scira "care, official charge"). Ousted since 14th century by Anglo-Fr.
county (q.v.). The gentrified sense is from The Shires (1796), used by people in other parts of England of those counties that end in -shire; sense transferred to the hunting country of the Midlands (1860).
1292, from
Anglo-Norman counte, from
Late Latin comitatus "jurisdiction of a count," from
Latin comes; replaced Old English scir "shire."
"title of nobility," 1258, from
Old French conte, from Latin comitem (nominative comes) "companion, attendant," the Roman term for a provincial governor, from com- "with" + ire "go." The Anglo-Norman term was used to render Old English eorl, but the word was never truly naturalized and was mainly used with reference to foreign titles.
"steward," O.E gerefa, unknown origin, no known cognates. Anglo-Saxon official of high rank, with local jurisdiction under a king. Cf sheriff.
Caesar salad is named not for the emperor, but for Cesar Cardini, Mexican restaurant owner, said to have served the 1st one c.1924.
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