So, I'm more of a natural Comics Reporter reader, but I've been reading a lot of Ms. McDonald's blog lately, and she had a series of bits that've coalesced with my thoughts and feelings on the industry lately.
Largely to the tune of:
David Brothers runs down the senescence of the superhero and tags Flex Mentallo for its part:
'All of your illusions and ideas of the superhero are deconstructed and proved false by Watchmen. They’re normal people, rather than superheroes, and act accordingly. There’s no magic, no aspirational aspects, and nary a wink from Superman. Just hard edges and gritty realism. '
'DKR is the blaze of glory. It’s a revitalization before death. Watchmen is the autopsy. At the end, there are no secrets. What’s Flex Mentallo? It’s a wake, that time when everyone gets together, gets drunk, and talks about the deceased.'
"We’d throw Brat Pack in there as well. Heck, maybe we will."
...That's an on-point piece of observation to pull out, and for me, fresh off yet another raft of 'you still have major-league craft issues before we can use you to sell licensed product' criticism at cons, it's at least slightly invigorating.
Most of my portfolio's up at my DA at this point, but here's some clips of the stuff I actually like. I may post the rest later.
..and the finished inks on that piece i posted a while ago, followed by a short i might color.
...More than likely though, i'll be on to finding a real job and focusing SOLELY on my own projects. F##K the B#LLS##T.