Random MST

Jan 26, 2008 15:06

it waz a cold cold dai in teh relms of hell,
(Bruzzini: Hey, Queen, you said it'd be a cold day in Hell before you gave me fifty quid so pay up!)
(Queen: I never said that. I'm from a culture that doesn't believe in Hell!)
(Bruzzini: You probably just forgot!)

nd dreme waz cold
(Hatter: What sloppy prose! If Hell is cold then it is obvious anyone in it would be cold!)
(Bruzzini: Dream's in Hell? I thought he gave it to some angels?)

(o yah. dremae iz in hel becuz he had 2 murge his relm and hell becuz there waz 2 muc room in hell,
(Hatter: If there is so much room, why the merge?)

nd morphuses thot hell waz kooler nd mor goffik.
(Queen: Because a place where human souls are roasted forever is so cool!)
(Bruzzini: Dark Side thinks so!)

o. nd deth is wit him ther also bcuz thei fond out def waznt rly drems olddr sis so theiy started dating.).
(Hatter: Of course, that logically follows.)

he sat n a bacolny in hiz palce in hel, overloking the fiar nd stuf.
(Hatter: You said it was cold!)
(Bruzzini: It's magic fire.)

he waz sad and edepressed. ‘Deth, im so deprsed.” derme said,
(Hatter: More redundancy! What dire writing!)

looking down at his black and red MCR shirt he waz also wering black pnts wit read khains. he waz wering edward sizzorhandz platfrmo shoez dat had a pair of sizzorz stiking out of da front.
(Queen: Oh look, unnessecary description of goth clothes!)
(Bruzzini: Edward Scissorhands is not goth!)
(Queen: Isn't that the movie you always cry at?)
(Bruzzini: Shut up!)

‘yah i no. im depreszed 2’ she sad. she alwayz pretend 2 b happy, bute she waznt. she waz deth, so she kouldnt dye tho so she wz deprezed n stuff. she louked at dreme, a faire in her i. ‘letz slit r rists.’ she said sexxiley. dereame almost smiled. almoust.
(Bruzzini: This reminds so much of My Immortal!)
(Hatter: That infamous fanfiction about JK Rowling's characters as goths?)

they each took a razor that sad ‘saosin’ on it. they took a rado nnd rurned it on. they turned it 2 6.66 (Geddit? ther in hell) and the song ‘cute w/o the e’ started playing after the dj (The corinthianain) annonced it. the corinthinanan was awesome. they split there rists and blak blood kame out, and dreme (!) annonced something.
(Hatter: I must escape from this atrocious literature!)
(Bruzzini: I'm buying a new TV!)
(Queen: I'm breaking up with you!)

“Deth... I’m Pregnant!”
(Bruzzini: Hey, male pregnancy can be done well! Just look at Sixth Sundown!)
(Queen's brother Fred then appears!)
(Queen: What are you doing here?)
(Fred: Well, in Rexcocorps' MSTs, the MSTers have their family as guest MSTers...)
(Queen: But we're not Rexcocorps' characters! Bruzzini's Sumperson's, I'm Henrik Ibsen's, he's Lewis Carroll's and you're Abjorsen and Moe's!)
(Fred: Aw, c'mon! I got this really bad fanfic...)
(Queen: Alright!)

The mgihtamre b4 one day of chrsitsman
(Queen: Oh no, brother, what have you unleashed upon us?)

“Hay!!!!!??” jack thais said northwsr airliness
(Fred: Does that say Northern Airlines?)
(Hatter: You and your sister are from the nineteenth century! How do you know these modern references?)
(Queen: You're a major anachronism yourself, so shut up!)

“Wut?” said Sarh stepin of da plain
(Bruzzini: Jack dumped Sally for someone named Sarah! SCANDAL!)

“I MUSed u!” said jacssk

“Msed u” sed no1 in particusdglar
(Hatter: My dear Fred, I cannot understand a word of this!)
(Fred: Well, that's why it's so MSTable!)

“!!!! hve u cnn buppy?!!”

“Buppy?!” sad jacaks

“YAH” sed sareahin

“Nu” nuu mumbles
(Queen: Who is Buppy?)
(Fred: See how bad this fanfic is, sis? Look, characters that pop out of nowhere! And note that seen is spelt as CNN, the news network!)
(Queen: Brother, just shut up...)

in the end buppy kils them an raepsf ded bodeis
(Bruzzini: Oh, Buppy's a mass murderer and serial rapist! To quote Card Trick, Dark Side would like this story!)

butt wut hapnz aftar? buppy is alon1

buppy crisz f4ver no1 lovs bupy
(Fred: I don't care about mass murderers!)
(Hatter: But you care for your sister!)
(Queen: Now go away, brother! Things are bad enough without your annoyance!)
(Fred buggers off)
(Bruzzini: Now let's re-read Sixth Sundown to restore our faith in MPREG!)
Note: In this, I reference Rexcocorps' MSTs, which have sadly been deleted.

nightmare before christmas, badfic, sandman, mystery science theater, mst

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