Monsters Inc MST

Jan 26, 2008 14:50

Queen: I'm sorry to say that our friend Dark Side won't be present for this MST because he has errands to do. But then again, it's not like he really contributed anything.
Bruzzini: Anywho, we're MSTing a Monsters Inc story: 'The love of his live' by CelestialLuvsJohnnyDepp. Let's go!

It was a sunny day in Monsteropolis.
(Bruzzini: OK, if they're monsters, why are they active on bright sunny days? Shouldn't they be only active at night or days when it's overcast?)
(Queen: It's this story we're nitpicking, not the movie.)

Sulley was going to work. On his way he ran into a big monster called Ted. He said hello and he bocked like a chicken. (AN: That's my favorite part of the movie lol.)
(Queen: Just because it's your favourite part doesn't mean you can rip it off.)
(Bruzzini: Make your own lame jokes!)

Btu on his wayt o work
(Bruzzini: ...he saw that there was no road. It was too late like Randall sayd. He had already destroed the road and the monsters were trapped on the island they were trapped in.)

Sully ran into his bestest friend Mike Wazowiki
(Queen: Wazowiki?)
(Bruzzini: A version of Wikipedia for skater dudes?)

and said "Oh mike I didn't see you there", and mike said "Sully we gots a Sully was excited and asked what her name wus.
(Queen: They 'gots' a what? New receptionist? House maid? Prime minister?)
(Bruzzini: And why is Mike a New Yorker?)

Mike said her name is Celestial. (AN: I was lookign at stars when I wrote this)
(Queen: You'll certainly be seeing stars if I ever find you.)

but randall got to her first
(Bruzzini: What a dick!)

and said "celestrial would u like to be my girlfriend" and she said "sure wy not?"
(Bruzzini: Because he's a dick. And he hasn't got a literal one.)

When suly walked ina nd saw this,
(Bruzzini: He said, 'Randall, you dick!')
(Queen: Stop.)
(Bruzzini: And Randall said, 'I'm telling! Miss Finster, Miss Finster!')
(Queen: Wrong Randall.)
(Bruzzini: Y'know, you and Randall would make a cute couple. You're both hideous reptilian monsters!)
(Queen: Thank you for the suggestion.)
(Bruzzini: You're welcome!)

his heart broke into four different pieces
(Bruzzini: If Dark Side were here, he'd make a joke about Sulley dying since he couldn't pump blood anymore.)
(Queen: I know. He's so predictable.)

and he rand crieing from the room with mike behind hin.
(Bruzzini: Who is Hin? Is he some sort of martial arts hero?)
(Queen: And why is Sulley crying? He barely knows this girl!)

Mike sadi "its OK sully, he is just a big doo-doo head." sully said "okay"
(Queen: Now they've become toddlers. Great.)

Celestial said "who was that" and Randall said "oh dont mind him he's a crappy scarere unlike me baby" and they made out/
(Bruzzini: Randall, you saucy dog!)

Mike tryed to ake sully feel better. he said 'but celestial was so beutiful. she was goning to be my love and now shes gone" sully eas really depressed
(Bruzzini: I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you...)

tehn boo crashed in again
(Queen: Oh no, not HER!)

and celestial saaw her and said "oh waht a cute little girl" and ully said "he's my little buddy"
(Bruzzini: Boo's really male? I never would've guessed!)

and celestiel said" i like a guy who's good with kids" amnd they kissed
(Queen: And she isn't freaked out that Boo's human?)

But that made randall relly mad. After all Celestiel was the prettiest girl hed ever seen and now she was kissing sully. (AN: I wish I culd kiss sully lol)
(Queen: That's bestiality!)
(Bruzzini: I wish I could kiss that girl from Friends...)

so randull (A/N: LOL ran-dull cuz he's stupid lol)
(Queen: Oh, what magnificent wordplay! Lewis Carroll would be proud!)

jumped on Sulley and started beting him up and making him hurt real bad so bad it nearl;y killed him
(Bruzzini: The mention of killing makes me miss Dark Side.)
(Queen: Forget him!)
(Bruzzini: You never know what you've got until it's gone.)

Celestial was scared by whut she saw. it was relly scaring her.
(Queen: Way to be redundant.)

she tryed hard to get him off but he hit her aganst the wall and almost killed her.
(Bruzzini: I'm really reminded of Dark Side now.)
(Queen: Well, at least we know Celestial's not a Mary Sue if she almost gets killed in combat.)
(Bruzzini: But she still has the fancy name and the same love the author has.)

but she did not give up

(Queen: Now they're acting like schoolchildren. Grow up you two.)

and beat him off and threw him into another foor anbd cracked it in half.
(Bruzzini: That's going to upset some Randall fans...)
(Queen: And if you've been on FF.Net, you'd know there's a lot of them.)

Ceklestial sighed happily and saud "ogh sully i always liked you better" and they kissed again/
(Bruzzini: That's one bedroom video I'd hate to see.)
(Queen: Thank you for the images.)

"but then whyd you date him?" ----- uh oh, what is the secret! Find out in chapter 2...
(Queen: Please tell me you're being sarcastic...)

lol im kididng; here's the rest

celeste said "he used ap power on my and i fell under his speel" and sully noded cuz he understoof.
(Queen: Randall knows magick? Then why doesn't he summon a demon or curse Mike and Sulley...)

Sully then kissed her "You are so beutfiul" I smiled cuz no ones ever sade that before

and we wuz happy ever after. TEH EDN

(AN: Btw Celestial is a tall green monster with one eye I forgot to mention that lol. R&R plz NO FLAMES! or ill sic mah monsta dog on yew LOLZ!)
(Bruzzini: Ha, I'd...)
(The duo are suddenly chased off by Cerebrus.)

badfic, monsters inc, mystery science theater, mst

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