Aug 04, 2008 12:26
So its been like 8 million years since I've updated...well not really 8 million but we all know how I like exzagerating...and I think I just spelled that wrong but I'm to tired to google that shit.
So, what to say? Well...what do you want to know?
I'm now a sophomore in I know. I'm not sure I really even want to stay in school. I'm not happy...not that school is supposed to make you happy, but...I don't know, maybe its not for me. College really isn't for everyone or so I've learned. Maybe I'll become a monk...can girls become monks? I'm going to google it. I didn't really find an answer, but a monk did find 2 naked girls in the woods once....thats really all google told me.
Friends. Always a good thing to update about cause friends are forever changing. They come and go out of your life like it never meant anything in the first place. And I've learned that for the most part...that is good. I don't have a lot of the same friends that I once had way back in the day when everything mattered...and I'm okay with that. People change. Simple as that. We've all changed way to much anyway to even still have that bond we once did. Even though I've learned this summer that if you search really really hard...then every now and then, you can still find that bond, but most days aren't worth the long search. So you just drift away from each other, and soon forget what great friends you used to have. Did that make any sense? Cause I'm just rambling at this point...
Well I think I'm done for now. It will probably be another year before I update again. Maybe I'll have something interesting to say by then....who knows?