Happy 4th of July!

Jul 04, 2004 09:48

Just thought I'd post my profile from the "Christian Hippie" community

Hey all,
I am a male, 25 and single
A Christian (of no particular denomination)
I've been a Chrisitan pretty much my entire life.

As a kid I regularly attended a Pentecostal Sunday school, not because I shared any of the particular Pentecostal beliefs, but because it was the easiest church for me to get to. The church actually sent a bus to local area towns and picked people up. This was great because I live(d) in a very rural area. My best memories of that church are of singing, and summer bible school (we would play games and put on performances).

That was the last church that I regularly attended. Partly because I don't feel you have to go to chuch to be a complete Christian, and because I haven't found a church that is right for me at present time.

Jesus declared, "Believe me, woman, a time is coming when you will worship the Father
neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem" JOHN 4:21

I graduated from the University of Maine, with a B.A. in New Media (May 2003).
After I graduated I spent 3.5 months traveling around the country with one of my best friends. I can give more detail sometime if you'd like.

I love music (currently working on an album).
I love film.
I love photography.
I love love
Would like to learn to paint and draw better.
I am pro life.
I support alternative energy sources.
I would someday like to eat only organic and free range food.
I did not support the reasons our government gave for going to war in Iraq, although I feel that it is a good thing the people of Iraq are no longer under the control of a dictator.
I agree with our reasons for sending troops to afghanistan.
I think we should get rid of income tax, and increase sales taxes.
I feel everyone should be provided with healthcare.
I support the right to bare arms as long as the governments of the world have guns.
I'm currently registered as an independent.
I voted for George W., but there is no way I'll be voting for him again.
Unemployed at present time.

Any questions for me feel free to ask:-)

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