Nov 06, 2004 12:29
1. Full Name: Martin James Roy
2. Were you named after anyone? My middle name was my great gandfathers (I think)
3. Do you wish on stars? Meteor-rites are more fullfilling ;)
4. When did you last cry? Quit a while back, maybe a month. It was a personal cry, not because I scratched my elbow or something :O
5. Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes, I can only write nicely for a bit, then it goes sloppy.
6. What is your favorite lunchmeat? HAM
7. What is your birth date? 10/9/1985
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? .... I burnt copy of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer Musical... I listen to it often :O
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? No, wouldnt dream of it. I think I'd be just someone I see in the school halls.
10. Are you a daredevil? If it has a good cause. I dont daredevil for kicks, all of the time.
11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? Only my own.
12. Do looks matter? Tough question. Depends on the person, and what they think of themselves.
13. How do you release anger? I dont, I bottle it in and then release it at the worst times.
14. Where is your second home? In Ottawa with my mom, I would think.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child? The red Power Ranger. It was a huge, Barbie size plastic thing, it was awesome.
17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? Careers. Ive failed it twice, and yet Ive always known what Ive wanted to become.
18. Do you have a journal? Yeah, its black and Im always hiding it in new places in my room (dont trust my sister).
19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I hear it, yeah. I dont use it to often, maybe if Im really pissed and someone misunderstands me.
20. Favorite movies? Matrix, 3 Ninjas, and a few others. I can never remember them all.
21. What are your nicknames? Kingston, Marty Mcfly, Mcfly, Marty MC, Kingston, Sigma, Shell,
22. Would you bungee jump? Why?
23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Never
24. Do you think that you are strong? Yeah, I dont know what I can bench, but Im built.
25.What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla.
26. Shoe Size? 12.
27. What are your favorite colors? Burgendy (dark Red)
28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? Dont know, maybe my socialness?
29. Who do you miss most? My little brother.
30. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? Nope. Im not sneding it out.
31. What color pants are you wearing? Black jeans.
32. What are you listening to right now? Fat Joe, Lean Back (Terror Squad)
33. Last thing you ate? A Panzerotti.
34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red.
35. What is the weather like right now? Cold and Sunny
36. Last person you talked to on the phone: My friend Brodie.
37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? probably looks, but if I wanted something more, her sense of humour.
38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yeah, she's pretty smart.
39. How Are You Today? Great, I just got a job at Toys'R'us a few days back.
40. Favorite Drink? Milk.
41. What is your favorite sport? Soccer, I rule.
42. Hair Color? Brown.
43. Eye Color? Brown.
44. Do you wear contacts? Dont need them.
45. Favorite Food? Ham and Cheese Sandwhich.
46. Last Movie You Watched? Shrek 2, last night.
47. Favorite Day Of The Year? Christmas, I love giving out presents.
48. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? Happy endings, I dont like seeing people die.
49. Summer Or Winter? Summer, its to relaxing.
50. Hugs OR Kisses? Dont know, both?
51. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Cool Whip, not frozen.
52. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? Noone, its a post on a journal noone reads, thank god.
53. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? ..
55. What Book(s) Are You Reading? A book from Forgotten Realms, and The Chinese [ A communist people ]
56. What's On Your Mouse Pad? It was my dads, so a picture of a 1940 spitfire (I think thats the year).
57. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? The six o'clock news, Maury, (I was watching this with a bunch of my friends, we were bored), umm... later than that would be CSI, West Wing, Ellen Degenerous, thats about it. I usually just watch whatevers on. Im not TV picky.
58. Favorite Smells? Whatever smells good at the time. Something smell good sometimes, depends on the time I guess.
59. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Rolling STones, but I dont like either so...
60. Do you believe in Evolution or Creationism? Evolution, its been proven.
61. What's the furthest you've been from home? Home is where the heart is, lol, so... Ive never left! *cough* *cough* lame.