I have put the RH vileplume to one side for you but I am afraid the legendary collection cards are currently pending payment!
I believe dark explorers is the newest set? I have the following RH trainers: Dark Claw, Enhanced Hammer, Hooligans Jim & Cas, N, Old Amber Aerodactyl, Prof. Juniper, Rare Candy, Twist Mountain and Ultra Ball.
One of everything you have XD not interested in doubles, esp cause shipping from the UK -> USA will probably be deadly.
And I would be interested in 1-3 RH of every trainer except hooligans, rare candy, old amber, and twist mountain, but I'm currently at work and can't check how many of each I have at home :( do you mind if I get back to you about those at around 4pmEST?
I will sort one of everything to one side for you from exp and use the normal pricing I have and give you a total. You can then counter with how much you wish to pay for the bulk deal. Sound good? Are you interested in RH's?
And RH wise for the trainers I in fact only have one of each of the ones I listed and have now removed the ones you did not want. I will list the price of those separately from the expedition cards and you can get back to me later about if you still want them :) How many hours is that from now-ish?
Sorry I used EST rather than GMT....I always forget what my GMT time is, I think I'm in GMT-8 god I need to get better at this. :c anyway, that would be roughly 5 hours XD
Anyway, that sounds great! When i get home I can see if there are any other cards I might need trainer wise from other sets :) I'm a tcg player and I like to pimp out my deck like a champ haha.
Also, idk if you're after any EXes and full arts or ultra rares from older sets but I have quite a few spares I'd be willing to trade if you're interested!
I have sorted out a rather large pile for you! I have some the are RH's that I do not have in the normal variation of the cards. Are you interested in these? Also do you want the energys from the set?
And sure I have lots of spare trainers! Just shoot me a list when you get in and I will take a look for you :)
I am definitely interested in RHs as well as multiples of trainers like super scoop up, switch, and dual ball . As far as energy, I have plenty so I'm cool with not paying to ship it here unless you have multiples of darkness and metal since those are butthard to find (and they're normal metal/dark rather than special dark/metal). Thanks so much for helping me and sorting all these cards (and putting up with my so-so comments cause I hate typing on my phone).
Would you like all the RH's? I have no doubles of them in that rarity. I can happily add them to your pile for you.
And you only want the normal standard metal and dark energy's and not the special ones? I have a few extras of the normal ones but they are out of other sets.
Oh sorry, I meant darkness and metal from expedition just cause the borders are cool. If you don't have any that's totally cool. And sorry to be a huge pain but would you mind giving me a quote with and without RH? I'm not sure if I want to commit to collecting this set fully or whether I just want one of every card in it's cheapest form. Thanks!
There are only special metal and darkness energys available in expedition so I guess you do not want them? I'll get adding up and give you two separate totals (without the other trainers and that you have enquired about!) So you can decide :)
I'm SO sorry I didn't get back to you until today- I had a family medical emergency which whisked me away from my apartment and back with my parents so I was unable to reply. Mobile doesn't like allowing me to reply to comments directly from my email, which is how I handle most of my LJ correspondance.
Anyway, I am still very much interested in the cards, would you be willing to do 55$ shipped (that includes the expedition lot with the RH, the RH trainers I asked for, and the vileplume I believe. :)
RH Vileplume
Charmander, nine tales, rapidash
And I am curious as to whether you have any RH trainers from the newest set? :o this would all be to USA 19104
(also sorry my comment is kinda disjointed- I'm mobile)
Edit: any chance you'd be willing to due a bulk deal on expedition?
I believe dark explorers is the newest set? I have the following RH trainers:
Dark Claw, Enhanced Hammer, Hooligans Jim & Cas, N, Old Amber Aerodactyl, Prof. Juniper, Rare Candy, Twist Mountain and Ultra Ball.
Interested in any of them?
And I would be interested in 1-3 RH of every trainer except hooligans, rare candy, old amber, and twist mountain, but I'm currently at work and can't check how many of each I have at home :( do you mind if I get back to you about those at around 4pmEST?
And RH wise for the trainers I in fact only have one of each of the ones I listed and have now removed the ones you did not want. I will list the price of those separately from the expedition cards and you can get back to me later about if you still want them :)
How many hours is that from now-ish?
Anyway, that sounds great! When i get home I can see if there are any other cards I might need trainer wise from other sets :) I'm a tcg player and I like to pimp out my deck like a champ haha.
Also, idk if you're after any EXes and full arts or ultra rares from older sets but I have quite a few spares I'd be willing to trade if you're interested!
And sure I have lots of spare trainers! Just shoot me a list when you get in and I will take a look for you :)
And you only want the normal standard metal and dark energy's and not the special ones? I have a few extras of the normal ones but they are out of other sets.
I'll get adding up and give you two separate totals (without the other trainers and that you have enquired about!) So you can decide :)
Without RH's (and 2 extra duel balls I have added) - 71 cards = $31
With RH'S - 102 cards - $50
And these totals do not include any trainers from the new set or any energys.
It is up to you :)
Anyway, here is a list of RH trainers I am looking for:
1 Level Ball (ND)
2 Crushing Hammer (NVI)
3 Cheren & N (DEX)
2 Random Receiver (DEX)
2 Prof Juniper (DEX)
3 Ultra Ball (DEX)
3 Eviolite (DEX)
3 Exp. Share (ND)
2 Dark Patch (DEX)
2 Dark Claw (DEX)
I know you said you only had one of a lot of these, but I figured I would just copy/paste my want list :)
And I'm going to try to calculate postage for both of those quotes and get back to you with a bulk offer!
1 Level Ball (ND)
1 N (DEX)
1 Prof Juniper (DEX)
1 Ultra Ball (DEX)
1 Dark Claw (DEX)
These are priced up at $1.50 so it would be another $7.50 onto your total if you want them.
Let me know as soon as you can! :)
Anyway, I am still very much interested in the cards, would you be willing to do 55$ shipped (that includes the expedition lot with the RH, the RH trainers I asked for, and the vileplume I believe. :)
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