eventful couple of weeks!

Jul 02, 2010 19:40

well, actually, eventful year, but yeah.

shins parents kick ass... seriously. not only do they except me even tho im foreign, (its a big deal. most people who marry japanese peeps are hated by their parents, especially if they are female) but they love me and take care of me like im one of their own. they come visit often, and bring us fresh organic home grown veggies and randomness just like my mom.

because we are getting married and because they are from the marvelous city of osaka, the boys family gives the dowry. sweet... and they also gave us alot of wedding presents so we can have a nice life together. they got us a new TV, a new washing machine, a nice rice cooker, an air conditioner, an air purifier, and random nice ceramic cups and thingies. they also have a tradition where they pay off all your debts so you can have a fresh start as newly weds. soooo they paid off shins english school debt (he still has to pay off his computer school debt, but it wont take too too long) and they gave me 10,000$ (actually more because the dollar is weak as hell right now! yey for me!!! but hopefully it will get stronger before you guys come...) to pay off my school loan and they gave me a family heir loom, a huge ass aquamarine and white gold ring. its sparkly. its rare that people get alone with their inlaws so im really happy to be part of their family.

we had a celebration (even tho its freaking early. we arent even married technically yet!) with them and shins brothers family. we went to a really famous hotel restaurant. the food was ok i guess, but the dessert... oh my god, the dessert! i have never tasted such a delicious thing... they have their own bakery that sells by the slice or separate cakes too and shins mom bought us a roll cake and a piece of fancy cake of our choice before we went home. excellent!!!

mmmmmm cake.....

we also ordered our rings. yey! we got inscriptions in them, too, but i will show you them when u get here cause u will laugh and then say "awwww!"

booked the bus for tokyo. got it for cheap! we will also try and get discount tickets from yahoo auction for puro land. if things go well, a 50$ ticket will be about 20 or 30 : D

im going to change my name. its gonna rule. cause i hate the name amanda, im going as just mandy
and ill make oherron my middle name and shins last name. mandy oherron matsuba... M.O.M. LOL!! YES! i will finally be MOM!
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