(no subject)

May 08, 2010 11:59

my friends here suck.

they are all so unpredictable and they will invite me out at like 8:30 at night and be disappointed when i dont go. ok, it takes 40 min just to get out there, the last train leaves at 11:30, so if you ask me at 8:30 to go out, it will take me about 30 min to get ready, another forty just to arrive there, a few minutes to meet up, by then, its almost 10pm and i only have an hour or so before i have to leave. now, if you ask me the day before, i would be prepared and would go. but i dont like staying up all night anymore drinking. it gets old. and its expensive and tiring.

am i just talking like an old fart or something? am i the only one that gets really bored of just drinking in some smokey crowded place and then going to karaoke every weekend? i mean, they sing the same freaking songs! why dont we do something during the day that doesnt include drinking once in a while?? why cant we go somewhere interesting?

also, they dont like to text back. i couldnt go out with a friend two weeks ago so i promised id go out the next weekend. i texted her, and she said, "later go to karaoke??" and i said sure, just let me know what time..... no reply!! so i sat at home and did nothing because HER whims changed.

my other friend, kris, he is in a band and invites me to his shows alot. thats cool. when i can go, i go. but he hasnt invited me to do anything else since december. and quite frankly, i dont like going to live shows. they are not interesting to me AT ALL. but i still go to support him and then its like he is disappointed when i dont go to all of them. fuck you! those shows cost alot! their band sucks, i have to pay 20-25$ just to see those assholes and pay for train far which is almost 10$. and i dont even get to really talk to anyone because its so loud in those fucking places. its BORING! why should i pay THAT much to not even talk to anyone and go to a stupid live house which i hate, and listen to crappy music i dont like, and then you dont even invite me out just to shoot the breeze?

i was invited out last night at 8:30... by then, i had eaten dinner, and had gone food shopping and had to make shins lunch for the next day and since no one had texted me before, i assumed that i would not be going out. so i didnt even bother looking at my phone til after 12.

am i just being a grouchy old woman to expect peeps to invite me out at decent hours? or like, the day before or at least before dinner time? i mean, am i the only one around who likes to be prepared for things? am i the only one who would be pissed off if someone said "lets hang out later tonight!" and then never get a reply back?? i had gotten dressed and put on make up and then she never texted me back! BITCH.
then a week later she apologizes and asks if im going to kris's live that night ... way out in fucking SAKAI!! thats like an hour and a half train ride from here!!!! fuck that shit! i have work the next day! who the fuck would go all the way out there to see a shitty performance anyway???

ps girl is american and boy is english. foreigners are poops here.
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