"you're fun, thats why i date you"

Dec 13, 2005 01:38

sometimes i forget what it is like to be alone. i used to be by myself a lot and at college you are constantly around people. sometimes its hard to remember how i feel, what i want and need because everyone around me is talking.

being alone... this is what i look forward to over winter break. right now im really playing it up in my head just as i did thanksgiving and well frankly thanksgiving break wasnt all i had it cracked up to be. i didnt do much of anything over thanksgiving. granted, i was sick but still nothing was going on.

i guess my biggest fear is wasting this month that lies ahead of me and when i return to school ill look back and regret it.

the past few weeks have been like a rollercoaster. all the things that happened were pretty much black or white... good or bad. but in the end things have balanced themselves. ive realized thats not just luck... its what we do as humans, we seek cognitive balance

wow psychology is really going to my head.

ill stop being so vague and talk about some things;

1 i really want to start riwriting in this journal more often, if not for peoples feedback or comments just to have something to look back on in a few months and say "wow, ive come so far"

this first semester at college was definitly one to remember. it wasnt all good though... i didnt realize living in a dorm would be this hard. instead of more freedom it has been confining. atleast compared to the house i was raised in, but i have learned to adjust (even if it did take getting in trouble for alcohol twice)

ive found a sturdy group of friends. we get along, and have fun. next year 6 of us will be in an apartment together. contrary to advice given to me i have chosen to give the living with 5 other girls thing a try. atleast i will have my own bedroom to escape.

i found an amazing best friend who also happens to be my suitemate ivette. i could go on and on listing the qualities i admire in her but honestly above all we have so much in common, i think more in common than anyone i have ever met in my life. i hope her and i remain friends for our entire college life. March = spring break. Ivette and I are going to Puerto Rico... ive never been and it should be an awesome time!

ive realized i honestly have the best parents in the world. they have been so understanding, forgiving and supportive. ive come close to losing my acceptance at Temple due to drinking which sucks and if it happened i have no idea what i would do, yet my parents have stood by me. this christmas i plan to show them how much i really do appreciate them for everything they have given me. i only hope i can stay out of trouble next semester so i can stay here and make them proud.

last but definitly not least, ive fallen for an absolutely unbelievable guy. ironically i met him back in march at a few parties. now only 6 months later we are together and i couldnt ask for someone more perfect. he is everything i have ever wanted. he treats me with respect. he is kind. he makes me laugh and he makes me feel special. we have so much fun together and hes only 20 minutes from home! i love every moment that im with him and when i think about the future i cant stop smiling :)

now that i look back and weigh the ups and downs... the positive things definitly surpass the negative. i have learned my lessons and though at the time getting in trouble seemed like the worst thing that could have ever happened, its finally over and next semester i can start fresh.

here's to a fabulous winter break

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