
Mar 16, 2010 22:41

"Who is your favorite author and why? Do you ever read fluff guilty pleasure stuff, if so can you give an example? What are you reading right now?"

I don't really have a "favorite" author per se.  Books are my business so I have to read or at least scan through a lot of stuff.  Recent favorites include Saylor and Maguire, among others.  I do read some fluff... though usually it's something comical that I see coming in that a patron has returned.

Right now I'm about to start on "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" for our April book club.

blklthrtn wrote: "Do you like Chicago? Would you live anywhere else?"

I do like Chicago.  I wouldn't have stayed for five years if I didn't.  But move somewhere else?  It's always a possibility.

As always, feel free to ask me a question; I will screen responses and post the answers.  Let me know if you want me to reveal you as the asker.
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