Reflections on 35 years.

Sep 06, 2009 21:24

I turned 35 at approximately 3:15 this morning, Pacific Daylight Time.

I've spent the weekend rather quietly; bootglove (da BEAR) and I hit Bear Night last night, and the Bear and clwolf81 (Chris) and I went to Habana Libre (a Cuban restaurant in Noble Square that my good friend Marie and I discovered last year) for an early dinner, then to Sidetrack for some showtunes. A couple of others were hoping to come, but unfortunately circumstances got in the way. It's cool though.

I guess the past year has had a lot of changes and discovery. I've done a lot of traveling, have had a couple revelations, and frankly have figured out a few things. I guess that this next year is where I come to some decisions, and put them into practice.

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