Title: This Fire Rising (chapter four of four) (chapter three
here) (chapter two
here) (chapter one
luninosityRating: oh, very NC-17. Very.
Warnings: fairly explicit good-morning sex; discussion of upcoming fantasy-fulfillment involving dubious consent (to clarify: prior consent already established, and it’s part of James’s fantasy, but in the specific moment, intoxicated and pliable and being manhandled by Michael, he likely couldn’t say no-but that’s chapter four…)
Word Count: 15,780 total; chapter four, 7,270 words
Disclaimers: only doing this out of affection, no disrespect intended! Title from Flyleaf’s “All Around You,” which had too many perfect lyrics for me to pick one to quote here.
Summary: In which James has very interesting fantasies, and Michael is a very good boyfriend. Lots of negotiation, lots of love, and James labeling porn in Elvish. In this chapter, those fantasies get fulfilled. Quite thoroughly.
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