(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 18:31

I've had alot of songs stuck in my head lately. That tori cover from the concert, which goes "it may seem kinda funny, it may seem kinda sad, but the dreams where I am dying are the best I've ever had'. and seether "it feels like I'm losing again, when I've lost everything, I'm sure I will bleed sincerely now". and the entireety of smashing pumpkins ava adore.

i dunno; ai dun't read too much intot aht shit normally; in psychology, you learn that sometimes a duck is just a duck. meaning that the subconscious isn't always trying to hing atn things. but kmaybe it is

I d'nt knwo; i'm srunk; and it's only 6:30 pm. i tnink I'm gnna pass out for a bit.


I'm rather surprised I even managed to log into lj last night while I was drunk; I was pretty wasted =). I was tempted to just delete this upon waking up this morning, but it's not bad as far as drunken posts go; I can think of tons of worse stuff I could have talked about on here while intoxicated =p. As a bonus, last night I learned that you can't play FPS's while drunk.
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