Sep 27, 2006 17:30
Everyone tells me to slow down, that eventually whatever it is that needs doing will get done. I hear that, then I think to myself that there is no time. No time to sleep and listen and rest. Time isn't forever. My time could be over tomorrow. What if that happens? Where's your precious time then?
This is why old men lay on their deathbeds full of fear and regret about what they never did. Because they too, like everyone else, thought that tomorrow would finally come and they would realize their hopes and dreams they had been putting off too long.
It's always today, always now. Never soon or whatever the fuck you think tomorrow is. It's a figment of the imagination. So stop living like tomorrow is real. Screw tomorrow and all it represents. It's useless in the here and now. All it does is let you put off whatyou know you should be doing.