Oct 28, 2004 23:10
Well, what can I say? With the Boston Red Sox finally winning the World Series, it's time for us to cherish the few minutes we have left. The world must officially be coming to an end. But hey, at least it would end on a high note. Go Sox!
I simply feel like writing, but I have no ideas, themes, thoughts, questions, or stories. Not that I am devoid of thought...or anything like that. An on line livejournal just isn't the place to pour out my heart and its worries and ponderings and weaknesses and happiness. So there.
Ok, here's a "theme". Purpose. How do you feel about purpose? Does everyone have a purpose? And if so, how do they know what it is? How do they go about finding it? Is it possible to not have a purpose or end up not fullfiling a purpose? Do relationships play a part in purpose? Or vice versa? Is there one person out there destined for us? How do we know that person when we find them? What happens when we think we've found them but then realize that we were wrong? What is the reason in the "there is a reason for everything" statement?
I'm in serious need of direction. I can't develop my character by myself. And I still haven't figured out the story.
I don't want to disapoint my audience. And I really would love a good review. That would be nice.
Thank you for allowing my ramblings. You're very kind. And I've always depended on the kindness of strangers.