
Apr 09, 2006 22:49

So kids. Here we are. Less than two months until graduation. Like 24ish days of school left.
Where has the time gone?
As much as I always complain that I can't wait to leave, upon further reflection with Julieface, I realized there is so much that I'm going to miss.
So I decided that I'd update this.

I'm going to miss:
My drive to and from school
The crazy psycho Feehan parking lot
Milling about the hallways before homeroom because we all get there so mother early
The green sweaters (Okay. maybe.)
Homeroom chats
The same people I've been in homeroom with for four years that I may never see again
Mr. O Boy's announcements
Mr. Gagnon's room
Mr. Gagnon's mock turtlenecks
Political society
Being made fun of for being Republican
Jamming into the tiny cafeteria
The cookies. that are more like cookie dough
Forgetting my spirit sister stuff and having to buy from the vending machine
The lunch ladies
Making fun of people for being overachievers even though pretty much EVERYONE at feehan is
Peer ministry even though it absolutely drove me crazy this year
Football games
Staying after for hours before volleyball practice
The gym
The softball fields
Cheesy rallies
THE BAND ROOM (Okay, I've spent four years in that room. I'm already missing it)
Mr. Taylor
The guidance office
Everyone spazzing after Gov tests
Seeing ZOX stickers everywhere
Getting my Dasani from D7
FREE PERIOD (much love, kids)
People who I've seen everyday and probably take for granted
Esp. the band kids:
Elyse, Kerri, Elizabeth, Kathleen, Krafka, the Larences, etc
Prayer before every class
Ritual meeting at someone's house before a dance
Decorated lockers for birthdays
Break and bake nights
Beach Party Crew
Walking to Bills freshman year before volleyball
Golden Panda
People who I just got close to this year and sorely missed out on:
Esp. Kat, Julie, Kristen
Father Daughter Dances
IOUing the lunch ladies
Talking to Stokes in the niche at softball
Spirit weeks and dress down days
Making fun of Servant
Just plain seeing everyone

There is so much more, and I hope I didn't clutter your friend pages too much, but I'm just gonna miss it all. And it kinda just hit me. So I don't really know how to end this except to ask... what will you miss?
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