(no subject)

Feb 26, 2002 23:06

So its been a while since my last post. again, sorry for the long breaks in posts, but it is a lot more difficult when you don't have a computer to connect to the internet...
Anyway, since I have been lacking in computer, I have been taking to writing things on my computer and saving them, to be posted later. These are some of my most recent thoughts.

Today has been rather rough. Not much going on, but I seem to be getting worse and worse about some things. I never can tell how to handle a situation anymore, and I don't like it. I used to love the good old days when I always thought I knew what was going on. It was so great. Now I seem to be lost more often than not, and I don't know what to do about it. Maybe I should just forget about it and move on. Maybe then I can start to have a lot of fun again.
So anyway, This past weekend was alright. Had a good time on Friday night, went to EJ's and had a few drinks with some friends. Adam is still entertaining when drinking is involved, even though he did not have very much. Tim Calloway too, and he likewise did not have much. But I don't think he would drink as much as Adam... something about Adam screams "give me more!" And he can do it too...
kinda scary...
So we had a few drinks and played a little Presidents and Assholes. I am convinced that there is only one person who can stop me at that game, and I'm glad she was not there. For some reason, Emily Higginbotham gives me problems in almost any game I play... grumble grumble grumble.
But she was not there, so I was president for most of the game. Kinda forgot to make rules and give commands, though... maybe I should've been paying more attention to the game...
But what fun is that?

Then there was Saturday. That was fairly entertaining, as well. Got to watch some Eddie Izzard, but the ones we watched were not even half as funny as Dressed to Kill. That is by far the best. We (Grant, Jason Frye, Phil, Rebecca, John Roy, and I) spent a little while talking too. Not anything in particular, just talking. I did learn a few things, though. Grant is apparently stronger than he looks, which still doesn't say much, and now I know how to combat a bazooka-wielding freak. Just run at him... easy as that. Oh, and don't get hit...
Almost went to play Hide-and-Seek as well... but we didn't get enough people, so the idea was scrubbed. Oh well... maybe next time. I really miss that, though

And then there was Sunday. Some interesting and Not-so-great things happened sunday.
On my way to Mass, I heard from Phil that Katy had been in the hospital because of her heart. I was worried about her all through mass, and that made me start to feel some interesting things. As I was sitting there half paying attention to the priest, I couldn't help but to feel this overwhelming desire to be able to take pain away from other people. I sat there wishing I had a God-given ability to touch someone and take their pain and problems into me. I stood hoping that the mere act of shacking hands would pull others' pain, anguish, strife, hurt, whatever, into me. That would make me happy, being able to suffer so that other people wouldn't have to. I imagined myself taking pain from the people around me in church, coming back to the dorm and taking whatever was bothering Katy, and then searching for other people that I could help. I saw myself in a hospital bed, more than likely dying due to the amount of pain and problems I had taken into my body, and I was happier than I have ever been in my life because I had made someone's life easier to live. Why can't I have that?
I talked about super powers once, and I said I would want Green Lantern's powers. There are two things wrong with that. First, Green Lantern does not really have powers, he has a ring. Second, I think I would be happier with the afore mentioned God-given power. That would make me much happier.
That on top of the super power that I already have. (Yes I have one, Rachel!)
I still don't think I should make it public knowledge, though. I wouldn't want the power to fall into the wrong hands, so to speak.
and that was my Sunday.

I still find myself thinking about that last thing every now and then. It is not the first time I have thought about it, either. Sometimes I find myself thinking about people for whom I would take a bullet. I can guarantee that if you are one of my livejournal budies, I would take a bullet for you. I would do the same for most of my friends, because one of the things that make you my friends is that I would be willing to risk my life for you. Helluva thing to think about, but I do. I can't help it, I just don't like seeing the people I love come to harm (and I do mean that).

So anyway, that is what I have been thinking as of late, and now all of you know. I'm glad to be able to write something in here, again, I really miss being able to post whenever I want. That and I miss those short im conversations. Just being able to say hey to the girls upstairs or the guys down the hall is really great, and without it I am starting to feel a little more lost than usual. Almost as if I was not around so much any more. Ah, the joys of having a working computer. Enjoy it while you can, my friends, for one day it may up and screw you in a very uncomfortable place.
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