I shall blame our new toys and my part-time job being full-time for the past couple of weeks for the last photo update being the events of JULY 9th. *sigh* I need to take the time to catch up, but that time has been hard to come by. I will admit I wanted to get my trip report done for our first anniversary trip to Disneyland Paris that took place Labor Day weekend, so I spent about a week doing that and getting it up on MT. Phuong got me on FaceBook and I spent some time finding old friends on that. I'm going back to the states for a week next week to see family and bring Sadie back with me. There's been a lot of prep time for that with bookings and paperwork. AND because the Sadie trip was ORIGINALLY planned for Halloween week, we're effectively two weeks BEHIND in getting the downstairs dog-proof. (Think boxes full of things that don't have a home yet, our makeshift internet center as only one port in the entire house works with the modem.)
I will do my best to catch up when I am back and have the odd day off from the library again instead of working every day but two. LOL
Oh, in other news, I decided to take the plunge and become a Stampin' Up demonstrator. I figure I'm buying the SU stuff ANYWAY, so it made sense to get my own stuff a little cheaper and potentially earn some income as well. What that means is that I'll be MAKING my Christmas cards again this year. Have the perfect stamp set picked out and just need to pick my paper and layout etc. I'm looking forward to it and will be posting pictures on this site and on my SU website, which if you'd like to check it out is:
http://jenniestamps.stampinup.net I've also started Weight Watchers again, doing it online and I LOVE the tools. I lost 1 pound in the first four days of doing it, which I've never had such great success from the start. I think it is the online tools. That, and three days a week I try to work out at the base gym.
Well, I better close this entry and get ready for the day. It's a lovely day and Bill and I are planning on taking a walk before we get down and dirty with the getting the house straight. Gotta love days off!!!