Jan 05, 2005 22:39
New Year’s was interesting to say the very least.
The evening started out with my plans being changed by a very flaky person, which actually worked out in my favor - I ended up having a good time! Ha!
I went to Marti’s Annual NYE Gala. The only drawback is the drive to Studio City, but it is worth it, because something interesting always happens. At some point, I pass through the looking glass into a whole new world, but I am not quite sure where that happens. It’s either by that fancy bridge in Pasadena, or when I get off the freeway in Studio City and pass that sign that says, “Studio City Welcomes You.” What a polite city! Better than “Welcome to Colton: Prepare to Have the Life Sucked Out of You.”
Highlights of the evening:
Meeting an adorable family of contortionists
Trying to explain “Jinx” to foreigners
Discussing false eyelashes with Ashley
Being told by Jonny that I do a great deadpan
Having my gorgeous hair raved about for long periods of time
Seeing good friends after a long absence
Being told that I was the first thought and perfect for a part in a movie when Nancy
and Leilani read the script. Awwww, my dreams of becoming famous are becoming slightly more attainable. VERY slightly
Lowlights of the evening:
Having Haylie make fun of my coffee-making skills
Clearing the room of kids by my presence
Having “Happy New Year” screeched in my ear over and over by an obnoxious woman
Having someone violate my neck
Realizing that I had a broken zipper (okay I knew about it before I got there, but
there wasn’t much I could to at that point, so too bad)
Cold, cold, COLD weather
Running into a candle holder/chandelier looking thing and having everyone stop and look at me
Stopping on my way home
I have been thinking long and hard about my New Year’s Resolutions, and still do not have many concrete ones. Can I carry over all of the ones I made last year?
Okay, here is what I have so far:
Make and keep a new, close friend
Allow myself to let go of those who are hurting me
Choose a path in life to follow
Stop speaking to my Mom with an accent
Become more accepting
Be nice to myself
Think before I speak
Save money like never before
My car is leaking water into my trunk through my taillights. I hope that is not a sign of things to come . . . well, unless the things to come are like money leaking into my account or something. That would be okay then.
Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night.