Sorry to have disappeared for a while... Jack and I went to Oregon over Thanksgiving to visit family and stayed an extra week and ...
bought a house!
Oh, yes. With a two-week escrow, no less. Due to close Monday, Dec 20. So I've been in a flurry of crazy activity to pull everything together and tell my shocked friends and clients and get my California house in shape to show and get it listed and start preparing for a January move. Oh, yes, and of course I still have web projects in the pipe.
So, dear LiveJournal friends, my journal has taken a back seat to the Real World for a while. Sigh.
Please don't give up on me, though. I have bunches of screen caps and half-processed video clips from Viggo's Young Americans and Kevin's Point Blank. Hope to get them finished and uploaded before Christmas. :)
And in case you were wondering who Jack is ... he's my Navy SEAL swim buddy. Looks great in his desert camo. Here's a
photo from the road trip.
TTYS, I hope.